dogleg (Fishtail - I had to look it up, but now I know what type of braid that is. Yeah, my guess is that we grew up similar times. Captain Kirk (for you) and Star Wars (for me). Although Kirk had already been on TV for some years already when I watched the episodes I did. Lol. America's Most Whangdoodled. Great name. I think we are getting Whangdoodled in ways than even the Whangdoodles - until recent technological advancements - didn't envisage.
I didn't know women were wearing guillotine earrings back in France! Women can be deceptively violent, I think? At least on the inside? Or perhaps there were just more French chieftesses in those days than now? Still, if those Frenchies deserved good old La Madame Guillotine back then, just think how much more the Whangdoodles deserve a good lassoing and defenestrating by the young (ish) Chieftess of the Department of Defenestration today. I can temporarily be lieutenant governor, if it will free up more of your time for training up the next generation of Whangdoodle defenestrators.
Probably if we develop some rules for it and turn it into a team sport, it'll catch on faster and there'll be a demand for more of the other merchandise, such as shirts depicting the defenestration of unworthy Whangdoodles or coffee mugs featuring lines of cartoon Whangdoodles being lassoed up for defenestration by the winning team. That way, you won't feel so left out when all the women at church are wearing defenestration jewellery. Possibly, we could invent a rule whereby if someone defenestrates two Whangdoodles simultaneously, that counts as a deuce for extra points (or something!), while accomplishing a three-for-one Whangdoodle defenestration would be a trifecta?
It's probably good you don't have pierced ears. For one, your haemophobia may well have kicked in, but for another, it's probably harder to hear with holes in one's ears. Besides, if we play our cards right - particularly the deuces and trifectas - you'll still be able to wear a cool shirt or drink coffee out of the "hippest" mug...
