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  1. MatthewKJV

    Issue with the character limit per post

    Hi, I'm trying to create a new thread which has around 5000 characters, but I keep getting this message: "Please enter a message with no more than 10000 characters." Has anyone else experienced something like this?
  2. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry Good morning man. -One doesn't "get" the Holy Spirit. It's by applying Christ's teachings.- MatthewKJV: Why do you believe following Christ is how to get the Holy Spirit? Hungry: It's by applying Christ's teachings. MatthewKJV: Yes why do you believe that? Hungry...
  3. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry 1. MatthewKJV: Where do you believe we can get the perfect word of the heavenly Father? Hungry: Via the Holy Spirit. 2. MatthewKJV: How do you believe we can get the Holy Spirit? Hungry: By following Christ and obeying him. 3. MatthewKJV: Why do you believe that's how to get the Holy...
  4. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry MatthewKJV: The Holy Spirit where do you believe we can get it? Hungry: By following Christ and obeying him. By becoming one with Christ. By being saved. MatthewKJV: Why do you believe that? Hungry: I intentionally avoid saying "Because of the bible." because many religious teachings...
  5. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry I could respond by legitimately requesting from you an answer to: "The commandments of Christ where do you believe we can get them?" But from that brief previously implied empty accusation of yours insinuating I dishonestly "asked a question I didn't really want to ask" I naturally...
  6. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry Exactly that. Actually precisely that question.
  7. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry The Holy Spirit where do you believe we can get it?
  8. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry Yes I'm asking what do you believe that source is? Where to get it? @phil36 Thanks!
  9. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry Believing that the Creator (who naturally wants his creation to know what he wants) chooses to not provide his word in the largest existing language in the world, is an irrational belief. I don't "imagine" that God described us how the appearance of the soul is similar to the flesh but...
  10. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    Hey thanks oyster and Tabin nice to meet y'all, thanks Tabin yeah I totally agree with that you wrote.
  11. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry 1 Thessalonians 5:23 “spirit and soul and body” Ecclesiastes 12:7 “the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Luke 16:22 “the rich man also died, and was buried;” Luke 16:23 “And in hell he lift up his eyes,” (no flesh nor spirit) Luke 16:24 “And he cried and said, Father Abraham...
  12. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry The soul is similar to the flesh but invisible (1 Corinthians 15:44, Luke 16:23-24). A person has a spiritual heart (invisible) and a physical heart (visible). The physical heart is systematically purely sinfully corrupted (Jeremiah 17:9). Someone who has unlosable eternal life; a child...
  13. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry Believing that the bible is not God's word (but rather that it's man's interpretations) is an irrational belief (see original post), and obviously unbiblical. Also, the Creator naturally wants his creation to know what he wants, so your teaching that God does not provide his word in the...
  14. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    lol Thanks guys. Man I have to admit I find seriously disappointing&irritating to realize that apparently there is no forum feature allowing for CC community members to freely edit their own content. I'm a perfectionist so that's so unbearable. X_X (mistakes in my thread here&can't freely edit)...
  15. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    Hi everyone, this is my first time on this website, I hope y’all ‘ doing well. I thought it would be cool to introduce myself while simultaneously introducing my first thread. Thread which I intend to redirect people to in the future. I have seen this community’s nice welcoming comments to...