Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. blue_ladybug

    Is Catholocism bad?

    I never confirmed nor denied that the catholic church canonized the bible. Nor did I ever say that I don't consider catholics to be our brethren in Christ. The simple fact is, catholics do not believe what Christians believe, nor do they even worship or pray the same as Christians do. Many...
  2. Sketch

    Is Catholocism bad?

    No, I do not deny that "GOD is the author of the bible and all scriptures within". However, cannot agree with your denial of the historical fact that the Catholic Church canonized our Bible. And that you don't consider Catholics to be our brothers and sisters in Christ. Nor your claim that...
  3. Hevosmies

    Is Catholocism bad?

    False information here. The protestants broke off in the 1500s. Prior to that, in the 1000s there was "the great chism" between what we call eastern orthodox and roman catholic today. ALSO: There were CHRISTIANS during the 400s and 600s and 900s that WERE NOT roman catholics. But guess what...
  4. Sketch

    Is Catholocism bad?

    How soon we forget. Catholicism was the only church until Protestantism split away.
  5. blue_ladybug

    Is Catholocism bad?

    Use the search function. There's more than one thread on Protestantism here.. lol
  6. Sketch

    Is Catholocism bad?

    Your spelling is atrocious. Maybe we should work on that instead. In what sense would Catholicism be wrong? Is Protestantism wrong? If you are a Christian, you are either one or the other. If you were raised Catholic, might you still be Catholic? (most likely) Would that be wrong? I...
  7. Z

    Question of certainty

    I thought I’d follow up after answering Q1, and whilst the OP may not be interested perhaps others could benefit. I’ve only studied up to the European Reformation and wish I could do modern Evangelical Church History. If someone has done an in-depth study on that topic please feel free to add...
  8. Endoscopy

    Two posters say their opinion is from God, yet disagree. Now what?

    Y You ignore the fact that to understand an issue you have to read in context all verses on the issue. Looks to me like you don't even attempt to get even a partial list!!
  9. M

    Two posters say their opinion is from God, yet disagree. Now what?

    I have no theology. My family heritage is somewhat interesting to me. I have background in Judaism, Catholicism, and Protestantism. Three different Bible views concerning the God we serve. I do not personally ever reference anything from the Catholic point of view since I disagree with...
  10. Hevosmies

    Pre-Trib Rapture and Premillennialism are False Doctrines

    Mark is permanent the text says that. The mark is received DURING life, the text also says that. The first verse of revelation does NOT tell me to read it in its plain meaning, signified doesnt mean that. Many of the symbols are interpreted within the first chapter of the book, it explains...
  11. E

    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    Sadly, I think it is because we have to many people who follow men, or systems (like calvinism, armenianism, Catholicism, lutheranism, Protestantism) and look through these blinders, and not just listen to what people say and learn what they believe.
  12. N

    Church is it even biblical

    Resurrection is off topic but allow me. 1 Cor 15: 12But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been...
  13. N

    Church is it even biblical

    Nothing specific, what makes you think you and your church are ok? God in these end times has lamented about His own people and urged them to 'come out of Babylon' because things are not ok, yet the church has got you hypnotized because you think it is all fine. When God urges His people to come...
  14. P

    Church is it even biblical

    What makes you think that you, all by yourself, grasp and understand the Christian faith and pretty much all of historic Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Evangelicalism-- and almost all these other groups that profess the name of Christ are wrong. Historically, Christians...
  15. Aryeh

    The name of the beast is the human name "prosperity" (ευπορια = 666)

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. (Revelation 13:18) If the Lord God asks us riddles in the Bible, then the answers are also in the Bible. There is one very...
  16. notuptome

    John McCain, Hero of the Free World

    Unfortunately the bible and the Lord Himself does not agree with your gospel. For the cause of Christ Roger
  17. B

    John McCain, Hero of the Free World

    I believe God will not throw people into Hell for being born into a different religion and practicing the religion of their parents. Period. End of story. I see God as a loving God and way more "intelligent" (if I can evuse that word for such a Power), than we are. You do know that ALantiL...
  18. F

    Can anyone help me understand these verses?

    Okay so your Protestant. That is the side you are for in the great divide. I say this because you do know what you first stated was a contradiction? I am a New arrival, nondenominational therefore noncommittal, simply playing the field. Like something from all denominations, that which is...
  19. R

    Can anyone help me understand these verses?

    Sure. It means I have no religious affiliation other than being on the Protestant side of the great divide between Catholicism and Protestantism. I don't think there is a denomination whose official doctrine addresses all the issues and addresses them 100% accurately. So my doctrinal construct...
  20. F

    Pope Ratzinger Bohemian Grove Member

    The Church cannot force messages. She can only propose truths to those who are disposed to receive it. All are fortunate to have the INFALLIBLE WORD to correct them not doctrine in tradition contrived by men. Hence why I will not be duped by the Vatican and its heretical teachings. And you...