Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. Desdichado

    Democrats don't like Catholic Church saying Biden can't have Communion

    I am entirely opposed to Catholicism and think we would be better off being a more Protestant country. But we are a couple centuries away from re-litigating state Catholicism vs. state Protestantism. The varieties of the historicist/materialist cocktail have been the biggest poison to the West.
  2. G

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Watchman Nee taught that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is indeed for this day and age. I've read a lot of his books and I value them highly. I follow his concept of the Church in that he rejected denominationalism totally. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit Christmas Eve 1974. I studied and...
  3. randyk

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I have read Vinson Synan's history of the Pentecostal/Charismatic origins. I do recall reading about Parham in 1900 having his class. It does seem somewhat "orchestrated." Whether or not God planned for this ultimate outpouring I'm not sure. But when Seymore's church in Los Angeles, on Azusa...
  4. CS1

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    I can see an old member back in a new name. 1. the Pope is not a descendant of Peter the pope is not even Jewish. "Catholicism on the other hand is the full cream Jesus" perverted. comment if I ever saw one. it's even profane making common the Lord, Cream? really? This is the BDF, not the...
  5. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    Catholicism is a cradle to grave faith. Jesus is the centre of the faith, just like in any other church. The (belief is that the) Pope is the elected descendant of Peter, whom Jesus gave authority to. Do we worship the Pope? Most definitely not. Do we listen to him, of course. But like any...
  6. Phoneman-777

    Jesus Is Our Truth, Reward, And Faithfulness So We Can Lie, Steal, and Fornicate?

    Do you even realize that your Dispensationalist nonsense was invented by Darby, the man who helped spread CATHOLIC JESUIT FUTURIST ESCHATOLOGY throughout Protestantism? He is the reason for the whole "Secret Rapture" lie, and yet you criticize others for joining Catholics? :rolleyes:
  7. G

    Some Video's on Roman Catholicism for those on the fence..

    Aside from the obvious doctrine differences, the biggest separation between post reformation Christian denominations and Catholicism is uniformity. For a Catholic, it’s all out there in black and white. There is a clear standard of what is and isn’t believed around all central issues. For post...
  8. ResidentAlien

    Some Video's on Roman Catholicism for those on the fence..

    You're right, it is Protestantism. But it doesn't have to be either/or. You can be a Bible-believing Christian and not identify as Protestant. Protestantism is a mess, but so is Catholicism. They're both off the mark.
  9. A

    Some Video's on Roman Catholicism for those on the fence..

    Catholicism should be attacked not because it is more evil then freemasonry and the others but because it is closer to the truth while not being the truth and thus it is more able to deceive and lead people to the eternal lake of fire.. The greatest deceptions should be the ones we expose and...
  10. G

    Some Video's on Roman Catholicism for those on the fence..

    Very good post. Being Catholic, I obviously have different beliefs about some things than Protestants. However at the end of the day, I’m not going to unnecessarily go after a Trinitarian Baptized person. That’s a Christian no matter what differences I may have with them. Unitarians, Mormons...
  11. surfer14

    Some Video's on Roman Catholicism for those on the fence..

    I think there is a certain rot within both Catholicism and Protestantism. An infiltration. A deep church that has its appeal in modernism and being more and more like the secular world. I don't know for certain that Catholicism is right, but I am 100% sure that the ways of this world are...
  12. Magenta

    The Father Of Roman Catholicism, Emperor Constatine The Great

    The same can be said for Catholicism in terms of what is believed. In fact I would not be surprised at all to discover that millions of Catholics do not even know that they are mandated to believe certain things, and it is also a fact that many do not follow what the popes decree any ways. Since...
  13. CS1

    The Trinity Doctrine in the Bible

    wrong, protestant came out of RCC because of the heretical of the doctrines they were teaching. pray to dead saints and Mary and pay for your loved ones to get out of hell. Do you know that salvation in the RCC comes by way of the partaking of the Eucharist? The Preist during mass will not...
  14. B

    The Trinity Doctrine in the Bible

    So if Constantine created the Catholic Church in the 4th Century, I should not be able to find any Christians that claim to be part of the Catholic Church before then right? Because he created it according to you. Also, I should not find Christians before then that hold beliefs that are...
  15. GaryA

    The Trinity Doctrine in the Bible

    Nope. Protestantism came about after Catholicism; however, long before Catholicism existed as a whim in the mind of Constantine, the true churches were "the real deal"...,%20Tracts%20&%20Preaching/Printed%20Books/trail_of_blood_jm_carroll.htm
  16. S

    The Trinity Doctrine in the Bible

    My God is THE God of the Bible and ONLY the Bible. Man's opinions and 'Traditions' are absolutely nothing in comparison. I am not new to Christianity, but I discuss the Bible with those who are. Many are confused about the concepts within Christianity that are completely mind-bending ... like...
  17. star

    Not By Works

    It isn't "my" wishy-washy gospel. I read, discern the "Gospel of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth." I believe His promise of eternal life through salvation by, through and because of Jesus Christ Savior of the world.
  18. Phoneman-777

    Not By Works

    Zwingle arrived in the land and began to preach the Protestant Historicist message and the entire country of Scotland converted from Catholicism to Protestantism. Your wishy washy false gospel doesn't save anyone - it only brings the false security of belief that we may obtain by dead faith...
  19. J

    Who Was Saint Patrick and Should Christians Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

    Very nice... I live just a few miles north of Saul (in a small village), which is beside Downpatrick... St Patrick had a great healing ministry, and is held in great esteem by both Protestant and Roman Catholics here...(in (N) Ireland) I pass by Saul and Downpatrick often on my way to a large...
  20. S

    Who Was Saint Patrick and Should Christians Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

    Except those churches were more like communes or community centers and they were used to infiltrate with the villages they were planted next to. The people did not have to become members, they just sort of befreinded them over time and as a result they slowly converted from paganism to Roman...