Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. Roughsoul1991

    Why do people on this site hate the Catholic Church?

    Here is your way to explain your beliefs.
  2. Roughsoul1991

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    In your opinion will you see any Catholics in Heaven? Mother Teresa, Saint Nicholas, Saint Patrick, Saint Valentine to name a few. I have a elderly grandmother in my small group I been teaching. She is as sweet as can be and very well versed in scripture but a practicing Catholic. She comes...
  3. Whispered

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    This is going to be ugly if the RCC Muslim thread is any indication. As is the case it appears whenever this subject appears in any thread I've seen since joining. Search results on these forums for your topic In brief, to answer your question, we should treat each other as the Lord both...
  4. Roughsoul1991

    Why do people on this site hate the Catholic Church?

    Catholicism vs Protestantism is the name of the thread. May still be waiting for a moderator to confirm it.
  5. Roughsoul1991

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Where do they differ and why? Do both lead to salvation? Why or why not? How should we treat each other?
  6. J

    Are denominations evil?

    Depend on what denomination The definition of denomination is 4: a religious organization whose congregations are united in their adherence to its beliefs and practices people from several different Christian denominations United in their adherence to its belief If it's belief is Bible then...
  7. massorite

    Are denominations evil?

    The answers to your questions are simple. There are no denominations mentioned in the Word of God and the last 8 chapters of the book of Eze speak of a new temple here on earth from which Christ and the resurrected saints will reign for 1000 years.
  8. UnitedWithChrist

    Are denominations evil?

    Cults quite often point out the number of Protestant denominations as proof that they are the true faith. I don't understand the logic, even though I was a member of such a cult, because they are just one more group with a distinctive set of teachings, only their teachings are heretical. In...
  9. Butterflyyy

    Would you marry a Catholic?

    Praying to Saints is praying to the dead and the Bible tells us not to do that. Following traditions aswell as following the Word of God is adding to the Word and we are told not to do that. These are traditions of men and doctrines of demons which the Bible speaks against. I am not a...
  10. M

    Would you marry a Catholic?

    well said. an enlightened view. a breath of fresh air. hope you arent swayed by some of these other more claustrophobic posts.
  11. Dino246

    Would you marry a Catholic?

    The books themselves are a small part of the problem. The Catholic "church" holds the papal decrees and declarations above Scripture (including the Catholic canon). If you investigate the decrees, you'll understand the divide more clearly. :)
  12. stillness

    Would you marry a Catholic?

    Interesting, the end what mater, did we learn of Jesus to Love one another as He Loves us. The Love of many becoming cold, more quarelsome as the end aproches. I seem to stur up more quarels when I desire to be in the unity of the Spirit. I will not try to do the opposite to see if that works...
  13. T

    Would you marry a Catholic?

    I don't know too much about Catholicism vs Protestantism but I find Catholics to be Christians. They believe in the main doctrines (Trinity, meaning of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, etc.). They don't pray to the saints, but they ask for the saints to pray for them (if I understand...
  14. I

    3 Tactics Calvinists Use Against Non-Calvinists

    TULIP is not a confessional standard of any church. You will not find it stated in any church anywhere in the world. The Convfesional standards of Belgium the Netherlands otherwise called the 17 provinces, because they were joined at one time and written by Guido de Bray is the Belgic...
  15. J

    How does the label "Protestant" sit with you?

    How does the label "Protestant" sit with you? I only find the label useful to distinguish myself from Catholics. Within Protestantism itself, meaning the opposite side of Catholicism, I found out recently that Protestantism does not include everyone who is not Catholic. So I'm not really...
  16. posthuman

    Paper Money and Fiat Currency is the Mark of the Beast

    printed paper money first appeared in China in the Tang dynasty, at least 500 years before it was ever used in Europe. the first paper money in Europe was printed in 1661 in Sweden. for at least 100 years, by that time, Sweden was completely Protestant, not Catholic, and anyone living in Sweden...
  17. cobalt1959

    Christians should be supportive of President Trump especially in America

    Spoken like a true Catholic who has absolutely no idea how badly they have been mislead by their dishonest overlords. No one stuck in a false doctrine can ever come out and admit they might be in a trap until they somehow break free of that trap. Pope claiming a throne that belongs only to...
  18. cobalt1959

    Christians should be supportive of President Trump especially in America

    Nothing sectarian about it. Those with a flawed theology always try and make it look like the other side has some personal vendetta. Guilty as charged. I have a personal vendetta. I hate false doctrine. In all of it's forms, whether they pose as Catholic, or Protestant. No one stuck in a...
  19. G

    Christians should be supportive of President Trump especially in America

    You're very severe in your sectarianism, and there are those who are just as severe in the opposite direction. I support neither sect, both of which disobey the Lord with their pride and earthly priorities. You don't have to look far back in history to see the fruits of this sort of thing, which...
  20. Dan_473

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    I'm not completely sure, but I think the Catholic interpretation is that the body of Christ functions as a single unit. A person doesn't stop being part of the body of Christ because their physical body has died. So just as you ask your Christian brothers and sisters here on Earth to pray with...