Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. G

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    I haven't got any agenda other than discussing Christianity and chatting to other Christians. I didn't say any of that stuff about Rome being Heaven and so on either. In fact I didn't take a view of the Catholic Church or its rites, I just said I thought they, like everyone else, should be...
  2. G

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    Yes much different. Protestantism do not have another source of faith other than the one manner to seek after in times of need. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Mathew 6:9 Catholicism's manner pray ye: patron saints as disembodied...
  3. Dan_473

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    Hi GKChesterton, My understanding is that this is not officially a sectarian forum. However, if you were to take a poll of people's views of Catholicism here, I think you would find that the vast majority regard it as at best seriously mistaken and at worst a tool of Satan. There used to be a...
  4. Dan_473

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    If you understood what I was saying to Jackson, then simply apply the same ideas about differences in interpretation to Catholicism and protestantism. Of course you are welcome to say that Catholics are worshipping idols or whatever. But I think Catholics have a different interpretation of the...
  5. Deade

    If Perchance Catholicism Is Mistaken

    Christ came not to bring peace but rather strife: Luke 12:51, 52 "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three." Those that came out of the error...
  6. L

    Double Standards of KJV Onlyists - Erasmus' gay - sounding letters, King James' homosexuality

    I was referring to the pope as a man who sees himself as sitting on the Earthly throne of God.
  7. Whispered

    Double Standards of KJV Onlyists - Erasmus' gay - sounding letters, King James' homosexuality

    I would not concur with the claim of force or placating papists. Furthermore, it was not king James who saw himself as set upon the Earthly throne of God therefore that is another misnomer. The "Divine Right of Kings", established that identity well prior to king James taking the throne. "The...
  8. fredoheaven

    Baptist and Baptism

    Agreed! Amen for this one, the Baptists perpetuity.
  9. G

    Baptist and Baptism

    With all due respect of the Baptist sect I would offer.. Unbroken line of the things seen is not a qualifier for hearing the gospel. Its what the faithless Jew sought after as the Catholics. We do not wrestles against flesh and blood and neither are we supported by that which Jesus says...
  10. Donmech

    Baptist and Baptism

    Not to be disagreeable, but Baptist history can be traced back to the time of Christ, much earlier than the 1600's Check out this chart by J.M. Carroll from his book "The Trail Of Blood." THE TRAIL OF BLOOD CHART by J. M. Carroll EXPLANATION OF THE CHART By DR. J. M. CARROLL ILLUSTRATING the...
  11. Lanolin

    Mystery Babylon

    I dunno this seems like a non-article to me written by sdas. I dont see that as evidence for anyone that reads their Bible, just some quasi-stats and pictures of people surrounding the pope.
  12. S

    Mystery Babylon

    N Not nearly as obvious as we might prefer. Here's an article from 1 1/2 years ago: Protestants are Returning to Rome October 17, 2017 by Andy Roman We are seeing the final act of the drama develop before our eyes. The union of all the churches is an event of the end-times that will happen...
  13. theanointedwinner

    Not By Works

    I confess my ignorance I only know of stereotypes of atheists I did not know that they were formerly Roman Catholic
  14. Magenta

    Not By Works

    In the years I spoke to non-believers, it seems to be a sad fact that the most hostile and adamantly opposed to religion and Christianity were former Roman Catholics :(:cry: It was one more thing I could relate to others on ;) Comprehending how Roman Catholicism is at variance with...
  15. G

    Is Catholocism bad?

    It does not make me an authority but I spent 10 years on a Catholic Protestant board. Catholicism as to what they call "Law of the Fathers" or "Apostolic succession". say "Sola Scriptura isn't biblical in order to in the end of the matter make the authority of God without effect. But Sola...
  16. crossnote

    Is Catholocism bad?

    I see it as the Christian faith is a Jewish faith, and Catholicism is paganism+Christian.
  17. L

    Is Catholocism bad?

    Catholicism is a Jewish religion, Protestantism is a European religion.
  18. wolfwint

    Is Catholocism bad?

    What is a christian? JOHN 1, 12 is in my eyes an clear statement. No belonging to a church ore a group. No batism as baby, No belonging to a christian family makes you to an christian. Do you have the Holy Spirit? if not then you are no christian. I raises up in an chatholic protastant family...
  19. GraceAndTruth

    Is Catholocism bad?

    Absolutely wrong. The Roman Catholic religion was not formalized until the conquest of Constantine. Even then it went on to more need for defining new doctrines, adding the infalliblity of the pope, Mary worship, celebate priesthood, the sale of indulgences, and so it goes on and on. Until...
  20. G

    Is Catholocism bad?

    They could be but are in a very dark place They have canonized extra books called the hidden as what they call private revelations and still claim to be adding secretly. The last official was the assumption of Mary 1950. And even then there are two infallible camps, one says she was buried...