Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. E

    Pope Ratzinger Bohemian Grove Member

    How the Satanic Black Mass Proves the Truth of Catholicism There have been a number of stories in the news lately of small Satanic groups publicly performing so-called “Black Masses.” These rituals are based on the Catholic mass but are inverted toward Satan and often involve the desecration...
  2. G


    Bad mouthing or speaking God's truth according as it is written and in love expose the wiles of the devil. Catholicism simply has another gospel, another christ that they call a Pope and the scripture identifies as a daysman ? Should other Christians ignore that in exchange for a false peace ?
  3. J


    I believe this link is not Lie, I am not investigate one by not but I Google about pope innocen III from catholic source I quote part of It to make this posting short Who am I and of what lineage that I should take my place above kings? For to me it is said in the prophets, ‘I have this day...
  4. J


    I believe this link is not Lie, I am not investigate one by one, but I Google about pope innocen III from catholic source I quote part of It to make this posting short Who am I and of what lineage that I should take my place above kings? For to me it is said in the prophets, ‘I have this day...
  5. U


    So then by the same token, when we expose the lies and dishonesty of Catholics they are falsely claiming to be Christian too and they are an embarrassment to Catholicism? Would you agree?:unsure:
  6. E

    Trump Responds To Pope Saying He's 'Not Christian'

    There have been a number of stories in the news lately of small Satanic groups publicly performing so-called “Black Masses.” These rituals are based on the Catholic mass but are inverted toward Satan and often involve the desecration of a Eucharistic host. This sort of thing is evil and should...
  7. Yahshua


    I just found this outline which explains the Catholic origins of both preterism and futurism. I haven't read the rest of the website so I can't vouch for any other doctrine on the site but I do agree with this page. I guess I would be considered a "historist" in my interpretation. The Catholic...
  8. A

    Religion Generates Evil

    There is nothing more hateful to God then to defend the evil catholic church which has time and time and time again shown itself to be in opposition to the Gospel truth of God.. It is a testament to the tolerance of CC that people like you are allowed to post and put forward your defense of...
  9. Dino246

    Religion Generates Evil

    Well, since you asked... I count five separate posts where you attempted to blame-shift or throw shade. Tu quoque arguments are invalid no matter who makes them.
  10. Dino246

    Religion Generates Evil

    "Let's not look at the horribly sinful things done by this group, because that group did something bad as well." This is a tu quoque fallacy, making your points invalid. Where the Catholic church (or its employees in the course of their work) is guilty of committing, condoning, or covering up...
  11. E

    Religion Generates Evil

    What is evil is a denial that the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church has ended. What is evil is a denial that the sex abuse crisis in Protestantism has not ended, and blaming the Catholic Church over an accumulation of 40-70 year old scandals as a cover up for a Protestant problem they...
  12. U

    If homosexuality is a sin, then why didn't Jesus say anything about it?

    I have no denomination affiliation. Do you know me, how and when I searched and for how long? I doubt it. The Truth is valuable what is valuable is attacked by Satan constantly. It is not about the denominations, the Gospel itself is simple, which denominations present it clearly I do not...
  13. B

    If homosexuality is a sin, then why didn't Jesus say anything about it?

    Then where is the truth found if not in the Doctrine you believe, the Church you go to, and what you are told? What is truth when even within Protestantism there are so many different denominations and views. Some mainline protestant churches do not believe in a literal Bible (example...
  14. jameen


    Protestantism was founded because of some corruption of Catholic clergy. even our present Pope acknowledged that there are shortcomings and corruptions in my Church. The reason he chose the name Francis because St. Francis was the one who rebuilt a church in his place that nearing in ruins -...
  15. R


    Purgatory is just another example of why there is a deep and wide chasm between Catholicism and Protestantism that makes contact between the two impossible. And it needs to stay that way.
  16. G


    I have some experience sharing on a Catholic board that shares its opinion with that of Protestantism (approx. 10 years) I can help you if you are willing to seek the approval of God according to the commandment in 2 Timothy 2;15 and not seek the approval of your fathers (men seen) . Remember...
  17. Dan_473

    Christian holidays vs Biblical holidays

    I know personally the missionary in question. She isn't part of a religious franchise, nor does she live a wealthy lifestyle. the stories she tells are from her first-hand experiences. if she says there were people in Haiti who needed Bibles, I have no reason to doubt her. you say that...
  18. E

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    No i am Not kidding you, but the catholic church evidently has you fooled. Organized christianity was never a thing God intended, he started a body, a group of local churches which started in jerusalem and reached the world known to rome, it looked nothing like the catholic church, all i have...
  19. S

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    lol are you kidding me? Where did you get this fun fact? A cereal box? Organized Christianity (as we know it) stems all from Catholicism. Everything started from there. Protestantism derived from Catholicism. I love how I too was sold this idea of protestants being "superior" in faith and...
  20. D

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Yes it's true, there is a lot of disagreement over the various ways people interpret the Holy scriptures. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with the Bible, it means there's something wrong with those who try to change it's meaning. That's...