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  1. L

    New fellow in North Florida.

    Thank all of you for the welcome. I look forward to many great interactions.
  2. L

    Does meditation, specifically Christian based meditation fit into Christ's way?

    I have been practicing meditation for sometime to keep myself grounded and steer away from negativity from within. It has always helped me collect myself. Does anyone know of safe, faith based meditations? Is there such a thing? I see them on YouTube but fear what I'll be listening to could...
  3. L

    New fellow in North Florida.

    Thank you so much for sharing that. I will watch everyone of them. Your response and all others mean a lot to me right now. As an aside, I am very interested in and practice meditation. I don't know the correct forum to post questions about Christian meditation in. I am wanting to be cautious...
  4. L

    New fellow in North Florida.

    Thank you for sharing that sermon with me. It hits home for sure.
  5. L

    New fellow in North Florida.

    Thank you for the response. I'm gonna use it to tell more about myself. I am a 48 year old man, USMC veteran. I was raised as a Baptist but due to where I lived. I attended Catholic Mass as a teenager. I was never confirmed or baptized. Around age 23, I stopped attending any services and...
  6. L

    New fellow in North Florida.

    Hi everyone. I'm Derek. One week ago I asked Jesus to reaccept me as one of his flock. My life has continued to spiral south. I am here to find people who can help coach me through this pain. I want to become part of a greater community of people with my belief system.