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  1. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Tim Walz has a predatory obsession with trying to groom young boys into being gay and is at the forefront spearheading the state-sponsored effort to turn young boys into transgenders. His policies of hatred towards God and men are so obscene that there is absolutely no point of return for the...
  2. SonJudgment

    Why did God kill the firstborn sons?

    Besides just the messianic value and the rememberance value, in terms of morality if you think about it God would be entitled to wholly kill all of Egypt if he really wanted to since the Egyptians disobeyed him 12 times and tried to lie not just to Moses, but really tried to lie to God in order...
  3. SonJudgment

    Why did God kill the firstborn sons?

    Besides just being a plague on Egypt, it is also something of a messianic sign. Consider that in order to redeem your firstborn son that the lamb was slain and the blood of the lamb was painted on the lintels to make the angel of death passover the house. In this way we can see Jesus is...
  4. SonJudgment

    Doubts about the holy trinity

    The human mind likes to try to make analogies, but there is no real analogy to the trinity doctrine that can be made without stumbling into heresy by accident. (the three most common accidental heresies made by analogy being Arianism, modalism, and partialism.) So I think it be prudent to...
  5. SonJudgment

    Doubts about the holy trinity

    The trinity doctrine is an essential doctrine for any valid Christian denomination to contain. The doctrine of the trinity is that there is one God in three persons; the Father, the Son/Word (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. The best explanation of the trinity doctrine in greater detail comes from...
  6. SonJudgment

    The choices in 1 Samuel 8

    Kings are chosen by God so if that were the case there would be no election. In the American system the premise is that the citizen is in the role of the sovereign and the powers of the sovereign are thus diluted among the citizenry and thus we have an election to determine who presides over...
  7. SonJudgment

    Does anyone know of....

    Well that's why we take their doctrines to the ends and see where they end up. In this specific case of the OP 2 questions no matter by what means we try to go about it we're still going to end up with the answer of no to both the questions even if we attempt to take the path of yes to one or...
  8. SonJudgment

    Does anyone know of....

    Well it seems to me leaving their system in favor of joining Christianity is actually the ideal outcome, but then we will depart from the OP topic too far into a whole other thread.
  9. SonJudgment

    Does anyone know of....

    Well again as it pertains to the 2 OP questions if they do that then the answer is going to still be no to both the questions by reason that they will have renounced their doctrine, taken responsibility for their sins, repented, and confessed their sins and been forgiven by Christ. In essence...
  10. SonJudgment

    Does anyone know of....

    This answer by HeIsHere is pretty much it. So in the OP two questions are asked. 1. Could a Calvinist, or those that hold the doctrine of inherited sin, assert that they are not the chosen few? 2. Could a Calvinist or one that holds the doctrine of inherited sin assert their predestination to...
  11. SonJudgment

    Does anyone know of....

    To the first question the answer would be no, they would be so totally depraved that they would think that they are the chosen few when in fact they are not. To the second question, also no, for the same reason that they could not be assured their salvation they would not be able to perceive...
  12. SonJudgment

    Do not vote for Trump

    We're not voting for a king. We're voting for who will preside over the government. You have one choice in Trump who has born good fruit of good governance, and another choice with the embodiment of Jezebel whom has born bad fruit of bad governance. God controls the world, not ZOG, ZOG...
  13. SonJudgment

    Do not vote for Trump

    Trump has given glory to God alot, something Jezebel does not do. What's the deal with your citation of ZOG? Is it because you believe in ZOG that you give the credit of good governance under Trump to ZOG rather than to God?
  14. SonJudgment

    Do not vote for Trump

    If Trump is not a Christian then how did he bear good fruit with the gift of the Spirit to have good governance (1 Corinthians 12:28)? Why are you giving the glory that belongs to God for Trump's good governance to ZOG rather than God?
  15. SonJudgment

    Do not vote for Trump

    Hold up one moment, did you just seriously say that all the things Trump did that benefitted us and that display his fruit of good governance (which is a gift of the Spirit according to the Bible) was actually to benefit ZOG?
  16. SonJudgment

    Do not vote for Trump

    I think normally not voting or voting third party would make sense, but the problem here is that the democrats went and overthrew democracy by foisting up literal Jezebel without a single vote cast for their nominee and are promising four more years of absolute corruption and oppression both...
  17. SonJudgment

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    Not really hard to understand what Trump is trying to say if you're not trying to misconstrue his words purposefully or having them misconstrued for you by the propaganda of the enemy and then just blindly believing whatever the enemy tells you.
  18. SonJudgment

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    So the full quote is "Christians you have to get out and vote! Just this time.You won't have to do it anymore, four more years, you know what, it'll be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you. You gotta...
  19. SonJudgment

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    This is the real strategy. They know that black men are rejecting Jezebela and that the black woman is actually somewhat remorseful for the Samson and Delilah tactics and so they're following the black man and rejecting Jezebela also, but they're relying on the Samson and Delilah tactic with...
  20. SonJudgment

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    Obama is pretty much the reason Jezebel was put as VP in the first place. Remember in 2020 when Kamala actually did stand for election in a primary that she placed really badly, she only polled at like 3% of the vote and then had to drop out. This point has also come back up recently since at...