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  1. L

    New here!

    I had a bit of a revelation overnight, a culmination of beliefs, dreams, and trying to articulate ideas, things clicked in an unexpected way. I feel like I’ve found guidance, which isn’t what I expected when I was seeking out this forum. I appreciate the journey this has been, and it was...
  2. L

    New here!

    I understand the consensus that faith is required to move forward. It’s one that I’m challenging. I want to see how idealism might reconcile with Christianity philosophy. You’ve misunderstood, the dilemma of the tree falling in the forest is perhaps relevant to some interpretations of idealism...
  3. L

    New here!

    You’re right in pointing out the contradiction. Not just miracles, but fine tuning and the ability to think about our experience (should we assume the brain to be purely material and consciousness a passive observer) - all defy causality to some degree. The purpose of holding the paradigm of...
  4. L

    New here!

    Not exactly, I’m using Christianity as the goalpost and I’m trying to build a chain of logic to God. It has less to do with personal belief, although I hope to learn more in the process, but I’m not “shopping” for religions. Alright, in my own words: So reductionism implies that the parts and...
  5. L

    New here!

    Does the reasoning to reach idealism make sense to you? You said I leapt too far ahead with too many terms. I’m interested in extending the chain of logic so building off of it is desirable. So in the effort of starting small, what are your thoughts on reductionism?
  6. L

    New here!

    1. Realism is the belief that matter persists outside of the mental and spiritual. Its put as opposed to idealism, but this implies idealism can only be subjective. 2. The miracle itself might change my life, depending on any message it holds my worldview might change accordingly, but a miracle...
  7. L

    New here!

    If someone murders someone, that is wrong because you are forcing a soul to face the consequences of physicality. If you lie to a person for personal gain, you have placed physicality above the connection of soul. The standard is to optimize for the soul and minimize the consequences of...
  8. L

    New here!

    Thank you for your welcome, Jesus Christ does have a pull
  9. L

    New here!

    I’ve had spiritual experiences, ones that made me feel connected to everything (God wasn’t in my vocabulary at the time - and I never felt I persistently understood the nature of that insight). I can say in some way I am protected and guided, and thats something I’ve always felt, but again, I...
  10. L

    New here!

    I’m overly proud of my articulation so I want to point out that I’ve only used ai to make the list of logical proofs in reply to another user. It’s a list I have saved so I can have a solid logical proof. But yes, my terminology is entirely derived from gpt. When I was first articulating it...
  11. L

    New here!

    Oh, that makes sense. I’m more interested in Christian theology for personal reasons, abstract little pulls towards Christian aspects, which I feel might not be enough if many of my ideas are opposed without first being reasoned away. So I’m a little defensive because I know I don’t have the...
  12. L

    New here!

    Alright, point 2, I’ll try to stay small. Why do we need to take Stephen Hawkings- or any other physicist - word for it when we can just sit in a dark room and observe it? That we can think about our experience means our brains are fine tuned to that experience, and the idea of experience...
  13. L

    New here!

    Your example of staring at the stars is enough for someone to feel wonder that leads them to entertain the idea of God, but they may not feel certainty and they have not proven it to themselves in a way that removes all doubt. This is not what I was referring to when saying that human reason and...
  14. L

    New here!

    I’m not sure how to respond to you, I’m not sure how to respond to you here, my interest is in exploring Christian theology, and so I’m attempting to bridge the conclusion of monism with the idea of a Creator and evil set apart. The bastardized interpretation of commandments was certainly me...
  15. L

    New here!

    Human reasoning and experience were enough to reach idealism, I’m not certain if it’s enough to reach God, I feel it’s worth trying at least. As for how I know right from wrong, and I see now how thats necessary to understand my opinions on good and evil, I think its a combination of empathy...
  16. L

    New here!

    Beyond idealist, I’m certain of very little. I have guesses, that’s all.
  17. L

    New here!

    That’s good to hear! I like the feeling of certainty I have with idealism and I would like the same for God. Thank you for the links.
  18. L

    New here!

    Human reasoning and experience led to idealism, would you like me to explain my reasoning in more depth? Or were you referring to the premise that I believe rational thought can unveil God? Because thats a little more irrational. I loved how the only tools necessary to reach idealism were...
  19. L

    New here!

    Thank you for your welcome. I think I’m still at the first step? Although I’d appreciate your opinion. The conclusions I’ve drawn are as follows: 1. Reductionism and the interaction problem require a single monistic qualitative fundamental 2. This fundamental quality must account for experience...
  20. L

    New here!

    Hi! New member here. So I’m not Christian, I’m not sure if I should be here… I believe, stubbornly, in rational thought, and reason has led me to idealism - that reality is fundamentally spiritual or mental in nature. That this is evident simply by thinking and existing is such a perfection...