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  1. SonJudgment

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    Indeed, God knows everything and God alone is perfect, and had a plan even from beginning. God does not tempt, he made them good originally and there was no evil, so then it's even more their fault for not believing in God since he made them good and told them exactly the truth of what to do...
  2. SonJudgment

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    Well from the beginning indeed the first time we are introduced to Satan indeed he tells lies from the very start and is therefore the father of the lies. Every time Satan speaks in the Bible he is telling a lie. Indeed he is a murderer, from the moment he spoke the lies and committed the...
  3. SonJudgment

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    Well in the chapter preceding it states clearly that God made everything good and that God gave them the charge not to eat from the tree, and thus commit evil. Therefore if the serpent had not lied and the woman had not believed the devil and ate and the man did not listen to her and eat also...
  4. SonJudgment

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    As far as I know God made everything good originally and that Satan fell in the moment he lied to the woman, she fell in the moment she believed Satan and did eat and give to her husband, and he fell in the moment that he hearkened unto his wife and ate also. As for the angels, they are first...
  5. SonJudgment

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    I don't really see what it has to do with angels besides that the angels were made to guard the way to the tree of life after the man and woman and serpent were cast out of the garden.
  6. SonJudgment

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    There would no evil for them to know if they did not eat and there is really just no good reason for them to eat. God told them the truth from the beginning and made everything good from the beginning so there is no truthful point to gain knowledge of good and evil. Yet all is not lost, thanks...
  7. SonJudgment

    God has already prepared the plague of hail.

    Strong is the Lord God that judges her.
  8. SonJudgment


    Pantheism is just old fashioned creation-worship really. More specifically its the idea that God is in everything and that God is not a personal entity, but that in essence God is the creation or is an impersonal force that makes up the creation. It's an old heresy but quite prevalent, but...
  9. SonJudgment


    Well right, so then it would be option #2 which is really just pantheism with new clothes.
  10. SonJudgment


    Well I don't digress much and be rude to the topic, but my thoughts on atheism not really existing is that it seems like one of two things. 1 it is a reaction against whatever religion that person was born or raised in. 2 for those that are more indulgent of the atheist type doctrines and...
  11. SonJudgment

    Does the Bible ever say to beat kids?

    The Bible says that if you spare the rod that you don't love your son. Proverbs 13:24. Besides just mindlessly parroting back the Bible, it does make sense if you think about it. Those that refuse to punish their kids for doing wickedness or foolishness don't really love their kids, they just...
  12. SonJudgment


    I am not particularly convinced that atheists even exist, but that's a different topic. Besides just being pantheism my thoughts on the Simulation Theory is maybe it is somewhat reflective of the times. We live in a digital age where people are on computers or the TV or the smartphone alot so...
  13. SonJudgment

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    No, Judas was not saved. Though he did feel guilty, as he should, he never repented but decided to kill himself and so Judas fell headlong and burst asunder. "Woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born. " ---Jesus
  14. SonJudgment


    I have heard of this theory and claim but it really doesn't hold much water. Really it is just pantheism with another set of clothes. All one has to do is ask who created the simulation? If they say God did then they have a big problem because God says he created reality with intention and...