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  1. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I mean all their ideals, their entire ideology is evil and we're seeing the fruit of it ripen. For all their wicked ideals where did it get them? It got them a totally dysfunctional society at war with God and God is winning and they are losing. Yet God in his mercy is giving them a chance to...
  2. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Their ideals are even evil, look where it got them.
  3. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I think their whole system is pretty evil frankly. It's not a mistake that they are indebted, indoctrinated, immoral, and all around enemies of God and champion every single cause against both God and the American man. Their families aren't broken for no reason, their women aren't acting...
  4. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Well of course they are as it goes against their entire agenda that they are trying to indoctrinate people into. Add on to that also how they already live ungodly especially in the sexual sins and it is pretty easy to see how the youth are an easy prey that are just only too willing to serve...
  5. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Well they're pretty famously brainwashed and adverse to Christianity might be a good starting point.
  6. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Well I could see that. It makes sense that they would hold such views since after all the Palestinian junk on the campuses and how many of them are quite biased against Trump because they themselves are aiding and abetting the invasion of illegals and have no real genuine love for Americans.
  7. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I am only slightly over 30 so I have many friends and workers who are under 30, the majority of which are black. Again a popular video going around among them is Judge Joe Brown and Kwame Brown discussing Kamala. Many of their podcasters have been talking about this as well, a good one being...
  8. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    This brings us back to the assassination attempt on Trump and the curious timing of what would have happened if God had not intervened to prevent Trump from dying. Though the forces of darkness will fight hard, God is stronger.
  9. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    No, the under 30 crowd has been counted. I wouldn't fall for the whole "old white men" spin, cause if we want to play that game, well Kamala is not regarded very highly especially by men of all races for her nasty life choices. If you're interested, a very popular video going around right now...
  10. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Nah that's their fake polls, remember all year they have been saying Biden was leading in the polls when we know for a fact that was a lie. It actually looks more like this: In...
  11. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I understand you are just repeating their claims and my reply isn't about you. I am just saying what is out there as well. The democrats claims are their familiar tactic, their own lies are defeating themselves and they are only deluding themselves. Their lies are not aimed to convince the...
  12. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Ah I see what you mean now. Perhaps that is so, but America's big sin is well before 911.
  13. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Their claims are just them deluding themselves again. The democrats have gone back to their vomit like dogs and back to their mud like a pig. They try this all the time to gaslight the people, we saw it with them trying to prop up Biden, and now they're going back to trying this tactic since...
  14. SonJudgment

    Drums of war

    Yea it certainly seems like they perceive now that their goose is cooked. Will they repent or not is to be seen.
  15. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I don't see what you mean by 23 years ago. America's biggest sin started long before that I think.
  16. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Here is something to think about. Trump was not supposed to survive the assassination attempt, had it not been for God's intervention turning Trump's head at the last possible second, Trump would have been dead certainly. Had Trump died and then Biden been replaced this would have been a...
  17. SonJudgment

    “In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”

    Sure, and the applicable part here is knowing who is God. Attacking the trinity doctrine is attacking God. You can't turn to God and also attack God at the same time. Can't really be a Christian and deny God at the same time. There is grace offered when you first turn of course you're not...
  18. SonJudgment


    Perhaps better for a different forum, but to be brief, no, hasn't happened yet obviously since there's the whole matter of the end of the world and obviously the world is still around. It is linear though, that generation that is evil enough to incur the end of the world upon themselves will...
  19. SonJudgment


    Everybody that thinks we're in the book of Revelation times wants to skip ahead to chapter 13, but there's so much eye opening stuff that happens long before that.
  20. SonJudgment


    I would prefer Trump so that America is blessed instead of continues to be cursed under the democrats, but I'm on God's side, if these people want to be cursed then they deserve that too. God will be glorified either way.