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  1. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I wonder how they'd spin that if Trump survived a whole nuclear attack too? Lone nukeman that stole his dad's nuke and found his way to the one building they did not secure that conveniently had the launch codes left laying around next to it? Whole host of people pointed out the nukeman to the...
  2. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    What sticks out to me is how is it that there is a conveniently placed ladder going up to the only building that they did not secure that is also the best possible perch for a sniper?
  3. SonJudgment

    Favorite Apostle

    John. Besides just his incredible character in the Bible, really his writing is amazing. From a fisherman that was disdained as uneducated by the elite of his time to being made by Jesus into what is easily the most influential writer of all of history for his authorship of Gospel of John, the...
  4. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Not neccessarily. While Vance is indeed a straight white male that the left loves to hate, it should be noted that Vance is in a mixed race marriage as Vance's wife is Indian, and so, if he were to win she would become the first woman of color to be Second Lady. Also interestingly it seems the...
  5. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Some might speculate Trump's choice of Vance is also because of a possibility of the other side assassinating him. Vance while he started out as a critic of Trump has quickly become more MAGA-centered. So in theory assassinating Trump in order to try to put a RINO in his place seems unfeasible...
  6. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump Found this article that gives a quick glance on JD Vance's positions on some hot button issues including the Covid RNA shot and the 2nd Amendment and thought you might find it interesting.
  7. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    That doesn't really make sense, but I'll try to follow. If Trump and Vance win then after 4 years there will be another election, since Trump has served two terms there will be another ticket. Ostensibly Vance would run in the GOP primary as a candidate but he would have to win the primary to...
  8. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Not sure on Vance's overall stance on the covid vaccines, but I know he criticized the mandates. Pretty sure he is pro-2nd amendment as well. I think the issues he was known for being stronger on was combatting the invasion of the illegals as well as criticizing giving carte blanche funding to...
  9. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Vance used to be a critic of Trump in the 2016 cycle. It's an interesting choice I think that shows Trump's willingness to forgive and move forward for the greater good of the nation. It's a good sign for people that have hated Trump unfoundedly over the past few years because of them falling...
  10. SonJudgment

    Spirit-Filled Biblical Illiterate

    One could be a Christian without reading the Bible in theory, but indeed reading the Bible and studying it is wiser and more likely to indicate that someone is actually serious about their religion as well as more likely to remain a Christian by having a grounding in their faith. I guess you...
  11. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Trump has announced his VP selection on Truth Social. JD Vance Senator from Ohio. "After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to...
  12. SonJudgment

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    In terms of differences with Christian denominations these are over more minor doctrines, or really over largely the question of authority. This is why the 3 points listed in Post #4 (Jesus life as explained in the Apostle's Creed, the trinity doctrine describing God as explained in the...
  13. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    When there are too many coincidences in the assassination attempt on Trump and the left's very shady reactions to it, then one might conclude that perhaps there is no coincidences at all.
  14. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    On the Republican side of things after the assassination attempt now really the question of Trump's VP selection becomes more important than ever. This will really be the next real question for Trump. Had he died yesterday that would have been a total disaster since no VP has been selected yet...
  15. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    People try to mischaracterize Trump alot I think. It's part of the left losing control I think. Not only are the American people no longer believing in their lies and excuses, but after seeing how weak they really are from the debates, it's just going to be unteneble for the people to continue...
  16. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Trump statement after the assassination attempt. Trump is really just the only true leader for this country in a temporal sense and in a spiritual sense a great servant of the army of the light in the war against the army of darkness and evil...
  17. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Yes there is a lot of questions this raises in an already tense America, but let us be patient and wait for more information to come out. Thank God President Trump survived.
  18. SonJudgment

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    The world is of no real importance to Christians at the least of it, and at the most of it the world is outright the enemy of God. Three beliefs are essential to be within the unity of the religion of Christianity and distinguish Christianity from the false religions which wholesale reject all...
  19. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    A close calll and a stark reminder of how serious this cold world can be.
  20. SonJudgment

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Yea that is what it seems like from the video and pictures and Trump reaction reaching up towards the ear after the first gunshot.