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  1. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Well magic and witchcraft can be occult but not neccesarily is this always the case. In the context of the occult that is indeed usually the "hidden knowledge" they purport to have as a sort of hook for a new recruit. Yet in this time even witchcraft groups are driven really by unbelief...
  2. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Indeed. Carnality really just means worldliness, so indeed it is fitting. I would say it is not neccessarily incorrect that a lot of groups are occultic or influenced by the occult, but at the same time just being pagan or an unbeliever is not neccessarily the equivalent to being occult. The...
  3. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Ah that's an old one. I don't really think it's occult neccessarily since occult means hidden and they're pretty open about it. I think it's just again shallow superificial spirituality that isn't even very spiritual, it's just sensual, emotional, and incredibly worldly. I think it is no...
  4. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    On this point I think indeed it's something of how society became sort of atheistized, not that they are outright atheists, but indeed they became atheistized, they go after materialism, they go after faithless things, they go after things they can see that are of the world, sensual things (ie...
  5. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    I would also say from the video I notice something of a theme I see in society more widely, there is on one hand a very real thirst for spirituality. On the other hand there is a sort of superficial spirituality with them whether they be outright non-Christians or even frankly Christians. It's...
  6. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Yes I mean I have come across such groups and people as well, on this point I find a lot of them aren't very faithful to their neopagan gods nor do they really even have a great understanding of their supposed pagan religion or in the case of Satanists they almost never have any clue about Satan...
  7. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Aye this is true and what I mean when I say there is a point to not worrying too much about it since maybe they just simply deserve it. Perhaps it is meant to happen so that the wheat, being the true faithful, might be separated from the tares, being the false brethren and false faithful...
  8. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    After watching the video more my thoughts are. For one I enjoyed his testimony coming from darkness into light. The second thought as it pertains to the topic at hand, I don't think its neccessarily the occult or anything, I think its more the case of the things of the world wearing them away...
  9. SonJudgment

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    I haven't finished watching it, but my sense so far is that he's not totally wrong, but I also don't think it's a matter of a grand conspiracy of secret societies. My sense is that it is moreso cliques and partiality, respect of persons, and so on and so forth. I find this issue to come up...
  10. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    Well that's somewhat close, but then that would be option 2 which is to say we have an inherent propensity to sin, but this is also not the case because God did not make us to be sinful nor does God tempt. What it is is that we don't have such a nature nor an inheritted sin, but the world was...
  11. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    Well the answer is simply people are not born sinful, they do not inherit their parents sin and we do not inherit Adam's sin. They become sinful when they learn sin and they receive conflicting information from the world. Since sin enterred the world then it is as we age we begin picking up...
  12. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    Well that be true if sin was inheritted, but if sin is not inheritted then it is not the case, but rather they would be born good and sinless and so likely have a chance at obtaining eternal life in the resurrection.
  13. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    Sure David believed in the resurrection. So what it is is that David's point here is that he mourned and fasted while the child was yet alive because he thought God might have mercy upon him, but after the child had died he had stopped mourning because now he cannot bring the child back up to...
  14. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    David's response is moreso that he can go down to the grave but that his kid can't come back up to him, which is why he had ceased mourning after the child had died. Though on this principle an interesting case can be found in the death of Jeroboam's child. We know that Jeroboam was incredibly...
  15. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    The main issues with Total Depravity/Original Sin type doctrines is that they are premised on the idea that we inheritted Adam's sin or sinful nature. People often misinterpret Paul then to support this when Paul draws comparison between Adam and Jesus, but Paul is really just noting that death...
  16. SonJudgment

    Isaiah's Prophecy of Jesus

    The Man of Sorrows prophecy is indeed one of the very most clear cut prophecies about Jesus. Isaiah gets cited actually quite a bit in the NT, off the top of my head I think Isaiah might be the most cited prophet in the Gospels.
  17. SonJudgment

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Move over Fauxcahontas, Joe Biden is the first black woman to be VP to a black President.
  18. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    My opinion is that while the candidates' character matters somewhat ultimately it comes down to what can they do for the people? We've never really had a clearer choice, at least in my lifetime, where we know for all certainty what we're going to get with both candidates. We know that under...
  19. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Again not the place for promoting or deriding Catholicism. For that matter not the place for promoting or deriding the SDA either. You can scour the land for your sole proselyte and make him twice the child of hell than yourselves elsewhere.
  20. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Again the topic is not really meant to promote Catholicism nor to deride it, but is about Mary and the seven sorrows. There are other topics about Catholicism if that is what interests you and those would be more appropriate places to talk about Catholicism in, either for or against it. Since...