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  1. SonJudgment

    Total Depravity

    The first option is the correct option. We are born sinless. It seems the ancient Israelites also began to adopt this strange doctrine and so God sent Ezekiel to correct them. The whole chapter of Ezekiel 18 lays out all scenarios for the nature of man and how he is only guilty of his own...
  2. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    We finally reach the 7th sword of sorrow which is the burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea. Here we can see how sorrowful this is for Mary in that the finality and reality of death brings. One can only imagine Mary's sorrow in that she is a parent that is burying her child. The sorrow is...
  3. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Well my apologies to the serious Christians who engaged in this topic in good faith for digressing with the milk drinkers and the wolves in sheep's clothing. We will now continue and examine the 6th sword of sorrow and then finish with the 7th tonight before bed. The 6th sword of sorrow is...
  4. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Again, Mary as Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords of Sorrow is an artistic theme. The theme of the artwork and the story comes from the Bible. These themes are taken from the Bible. While the Catholics as a mainstream Christian denomination observe it, they did not create it, just like they...
  5. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    The goal is already stated in the OP. What is your goal in trying to derail the topic? Sola scriptura means that it comes from the Bible that the Bible is the authority. The tale of Mary and the seven sorrows is in the Bible and this is the only place it is derived from. You are just simply...
  6. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    So again, a heresy is any doctrine that is contrary to the orthodoxy. The orthodoxy in Christianity is the Bible. In order for something to be a heresy in the context of Christianity it has to be clearly against the teachings of the Bible. For example, evolution is probably the most common...
  7. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    The fifth Sword of Sorrow is then Mary witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus. This is an obvious sorrow for a mother as crucifixion is a very prolonged death, not an instant death. So it is easy to see Mary's sorrow here, not only does she have to witness the death of her son, a sorrow indeed...
  8. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Again, not purely from the RCC, Orthodox also contain this, and if you follow sola scriptura this should be acceptable as well to mainstream protestantism. Mainstream protestantism is defined as accepting the essential christian doctrines (ie: trinity, birth-life-crucifixion-resurrection of...
  9. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    At any rate let us continue now with the fourth sword of sorrow. The fourth sword of sorrow is Mary seeing Jesus' trial and then his sentence, and him being led away to be crucified. This is interesting because Mary is not explicitly mentioned though it is implicit that she is present as she...
  10. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Well to answer these people's digressions trying to pull the thread in all sorts of different chaotic directions. Again the thread is universally open for any Christians as the subject is a universally Christian theme that is not exclusive to any one denomination. Granted it is a more advanced...
  11. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Out of this really only the first point and the last point I think is valid and biblical, with the second point somewhat wonky, but perhaps that's for a whole other cliche topic about the nature of original sin/total depravity. Again, Mary as Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords is not...
  12. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    The portrayal of Mary as a queen in the artwork depicting her and the seven swords of sorrow is as Queen of Hearts rather than Quuen of Heaven which is a whole other thematic and motif in Christian high art. Again the artwork as well as story of Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords is a...
  13. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Interesting I did not know they had a whole song for this subject. At any rate the songs and prayers formulated off of this subject as well as various denominational teachings are welcome, but for my part the focus is going to be about the biblical reference and story as well as the very...
  14. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    I suppose this is true, though just trying to make a clarification and answer replies. I will continue the story of the seven swords of sorrow later tonight and then conclude it tomorrow morning I suppose so that the more free range discussion can take place.
  15. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Well that would seem to me to be unironic.
  16. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Yes and no. Yes the Catholics do have devotionals about this subject, but no it is not exclusive to the Catholics as the Orthodox also contain this concept, and for mainstream Protestants the overall story is found in the Bible and can be derived from sola scriptura and is not derived from the...
  17. SonJudgment

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    In terms of replacing Biden ahead of the election, this is pretty much not possible, both the democrats and republicans are deluding themselves to think this will happen. Many of the swing states have already had their deadline pass for who will appear on the ballot, and so if they replace...
  18. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Interesting I will check that out. I also chose this artwork specifically for the intra-Christian appeal. I probably should have made that clear in the OP, my apologies. To make note I am not a Catholic nor an Orthodox, but I do understand that both denominations do contain this artistic...
  19. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    No need to thank me, thank God for giving us Jesus, thank Mary for suffering the sorrows of the seven swords, thank the excellent apostles for writing it all down, and thank the Christian artists both of old and new that made such fantastic and mysterious artwork depicting Mary as the Queen of...
  20. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    We now return to Luke 2 for the third sword of sorrow. The sword of sorrow is when Mary loses Jesus at Jerusalem. This is perhaps easy to empathize with for anyone that might have lost track of their kid for a few moments at the park or in a store. Imagine their shock that after going up to...