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  1. Jesus_Leads

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    Th That's sad, in that video's comment somebody mocked preachings of Jesus, this is a very bad example.
  2. Jesus_Leads

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    Why are they fighting ? Are they Jews ?
  3. Jesus_Leads

    It's good to be single.

    It is not mandatory to have a girlfriend in a certain age. It is better to wait for the wife that God had prepared for instead of dating someone who you'll never end up with. It's ok to be single untill God's time don't bother yourself over it.
  4. Jesus_Leads

    It's good to be single.

    I understand it's hard to get peace when stuck in home. Give time to Prayer and Bible as much as you can in other times try developing healthy hobbies like learning piano(or any instrument would do), rubiks cubing, hand writting imrpovement, reading books, learning a new language to name a few...
  5. Jesus_Leads

    It's good to be single.

    I can totally understand what you are going through. I spent a long time bothering myself over a broken relationship. She dumped me and I was totally not ok about it untill I met Jesus. After getting saved in early times Jesus took away many of my sins and sorrows that I thought I will carry for...
  6. Jesus_Leads

    It's good to be single.

    Listen brother, 1. You can't be sure she's apt for your without having a close relationship with her. When we get stuck with this feelings for some people. I don't know where these idea come from, Whether Satan's lies or out own heart's deception. The person that we cant have will feel like...
  7. Jesus_Leads

    It's good to be single.

    I'm not judging you because I have been worse. But this feeling of your might lead to bad habits. You're bring jealous over something that's not yours so my suggestion would be, if she is not your wife stop checking her life. Need strength to do that ? Ask God he will provide. It's better to...
  8. Jesus_Leads

    Need some advice is possible

    Amen our heavenly father is always faithful. That's a great testimony right there ms. Julson. Let holy spirit fight for you.
  9. Jesus_Leads

    Need some advice is possible

    Exactly, that's what I thought. In Marriage vows couples say "till death do us apart". Those are very strong words. I'm not even married yet and I cannot believe how they say, "lets divorce" so easily.
  10. Jesus_Leads

    Need some advice is possible

    Hey there, I'm no expert in marriage but I have experienced porn addiction it's a sinful bondage mostly under the dominion of a evil spirit. You have to get advice from a spiritual elder in your church, gather two or more Godly women from your church and pray for him regularly(lord says where...
  11. Jesus_Leads

    Isolated and depressed

    Thank God you are in the right mind. Please don't listen to anybody advising you to leave, even after all the details you have provided about your situation it's still unclear for me, so making a quick judgement of leaving would end up in disaster. I don't see any mistake in your wish to meet...
  12. Jesus_Leads

    It's good to be single.

    Well it depends on everyone's nature and needs for example I'm a person who loves to talk(too much). I'm not married now and not actively looking for a spouse either but I'd be happy getting married in the right time and ofcourse to a spiritual woman a daughter of Jesus. I think the problem of...
  13. Jesus_Leads

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    We why we in that sampson reference John ? I think we are living for Christ and we are not going behind any harlot like the world of fake Christian does. So we are safe.
  14. Jesus_Leads

    Let's end the arguments over rapture. Please ?

    Yes if someone says wrong about scripture we have to give our voice on that but rapture is something we can't say for sure there are no direct scriptural support, only parables and prohesies. I totally agree with you on standing for the word of God but in this topic we can't make a sure judgement.
  15. Jesus_Leads

    Let's end the arguments over rapture. Please ?

    That's a good thought, but imagine being a new believer and finding children of christ arguing over each other, saying this is right and that is wrong.
  16. Jesus_Leads

    Let's end the arguments over rapture. Please ?

    Thank you, that was my point, everyone misunderstood me like I support one view of rapture and I'm trying to take people off scripture. The scripture always asks us to avoid arguments we can see that in some of Paul's letters. A friendly debate over a topic that's something different, here...
  17. Jesus_Leads

    Let's end the arguments over rapture. Please ?

    You Yup, did not see that one coming. I was really tired with people arguing over the topic so just wanted to do something over that and ended up doing the opposite:cry:
  18. Jesus_Leads

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    I did not say all mega churches are evil I said most. Also word mega church not just mean mass number of people gathering anywhere outside. It means that Joel olsteen style churches a big congregation with lot of amenities inside like a seperate community. I meant those Meoha churches and again...
  19. Jesus_Leads

    Let's end the arguments over rapture. Please ?

    Kindly check my previous threads I always ask people to refer verses above all. What I mentioned here is don't counter one verse with another that will make contradictions within bible.
  20. Jesus_Leads

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    That's possible, but most people go to mega Church because of the prosperity preachings. It's like they have shut their ears for the truth of Christ and are not interested in the path of sanctification because they have to give up their sins. So they just go to a church that doesn't condemn them.