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  1. Demi777

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Well well dan now i see what 2021 is about hmmm Hehehehe
  2. Demi777

    are you a spender or a saver?

    I guess it depends on the definition. No matter how little i get i always put away money to get a car and im more a saver now but when i use the savings for what i saved em for...does that make me a spender?
  3. Demi777

    The Devil Has Hijacked This Party.

    God uses all leaders and puts them into place. Good and bad. Voting a leader is nowhere biblical. May God put in office whom he wishes. Also where is trump keeping evil away from destroying the US? He is just a man like anyone else and he hardly has done anything to help the US or any other country.
  4. Demi777

    Please recommend Bible teachers?

    Yes but i listen to his english lectures. I somehow dont like german ones all in all. I perfer english
  5. Demi777


    Nope wont have any. Theyre not ok to get as a christian. I dont condemn people tho who have them tho. I dont like it when guys have a lot of tats. Still my fiancee is a biker who is full of them.
  6. Demi777

    Acoustic guitar recommendations (Budget US$200)

    Try looking for music stores that are getting rid of stuff. I got my fender for 204 euros instead of 286 as they got rid of all guitars
  7. Demi777

    Does everyone drive?

    in germany...its a pain if you dont have a license. im working on it. looking at my old work...per car it wouldve been 1 hr one all in all 2. me taking bus and train tooke me 2 and a half hr one 5 hrs just to get to work and back. a license is more important here than a degree...
  8. Demi777

    Any fellow gamers here?

    Im a xboxer too. I am currently playing assasins creed origins or odyssey.
  9. Demi777

    the relationship between army and youngs

    The people ive met nowadays only do it for the benefits. Maybe some do it out of love for their country like it used to be but have not seen it
  10. Demi777

    Does it matter how tall a person is

    Its a bit awkward especially if u wear high heels to a date and then u have a guy that is no taller than your shoulders. I definitely perfer someone who is a bit taller.
  11. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    I harldly get any incimefrom my health insurance. Working on getting my drivers licence. As i live with my mom and dont need to pay rent i can keep myself above water. Been applying but its a pain to get a job.
  12. Demi777

    SHOCK REPORT: Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

    Well its always been that way. And even God tells us to obey our governments. No matter if speaking of the roman empire or the days of kings. They have always told the people what to do.
  13. Demi777

    SHOCK REPORT: Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

    Well u gotta remember that in these countries alone the water pollution and stuff gives them a different immunity to things that would make us sick than them. I hope they can deal with it. But like said maybe theyre immune system cann deal with it. Its only my own speculation but it may just be...
  14. Demi777

    SHOCK REPORT: Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

    My pastors wife had no underlying illness and suffers from damage. A younger man who csme before her who was fit died
  15. Demi777

    SHOCK REPORT: Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

    Looking at the damages my pastors wife has. (They decided to go on vecation and both got corona) she will never be as fit as she was. I will NOT stop wearing my masks. I dont give a dime if yall wanna catch it but stop telling ithers what to do. We are all adults and can decide for ourselves
  16. Demi777

    Is it ok to use corporal punishment on your kids

    I am alive haha. Sometimes the line between abuse and discipline are very fine. Sometimes it doesnt dhow until later which of the two it was
  17. Demi777

    Is it ok to use corporal punishment on your kids

    Grew up with it. I think some need it and some dont. Key is to do it in a way that wont harden the heart of the child against their parents (it surely hardened mine for the times that it wasnt right) and only do it when it actually is necessary.
  18. Demi777


    I just started learning guitar. Its more difficult than I thought
  19. Demi777


    U can find me as demi_mullen777