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  1. N

    10 Questions

    1 - What are your hobbies or things you do for fun? I brew beer/mead and play video games 2 - Growing up, were you closer to your father or mother? Is it the same now?. Mother and same now, but I spend a lot more time with my father now that he is retired. 3 - What are some of your favorite...
  2. N

    Your thoughts on jeans

    I used to hate wearing jeans when I was a child, but almost always wear them now and will only wear shorts around home or family (and only during heat waves or when I have no clean jeans left). But I think my initial hatred of jeans was not finding out about Levi jeans at a younger...
  3. N

    Paperback writer

    Everything died except those who were able to escape, but the reason the Earth was destroyed in the film was because humanity had designed an ability to create a new Earth (a ship that was like an ark) with all the lifeforms as well and an alien race was afraid of what humanity could accomplish.
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    Paperback writer

    I was thinking more along the lines of Titan AE since the Earth was destroyed in that movie and humans became refugees
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    Your thoughts on jeans

    I used to dislike them as a young child, but only wear them now when going out. In fact, I wear them 95% of the time when I home as well. Only wear shorts when I either have no clean jeans or it's too hot
  6. N

    Would YOU Kiss THIS Face?!?

    Based off on how many swipes to the left I have done when I thought a match was perfect (mainly if I am attracted to them, I swipe to the left because they do not believe in God or need to sleep with someone before they decide to get married...I am really hating dating sites right now...I mean I...
  7. N

    Today I found out...

    That my headset did not work for phone calls from my PC after waiting about an hour for an IRS agent.
  8. N

    Paperback writer

    I would probably do a screenplay for a science fiction series where humanity and an alien race are involved in a total war scenario. 20 years in the past, they sent their main fleets to wipe out the other fleet at a site equal distant to both core words but both miscalculate and end up at their...
  9. N

    What Kind of Wife Do You Want?

    A Christian woman who believes in following the Bible and wants to have kids, but is not in a rush to have kids immediately either. Also, while being Christian and having the desire to have a God-focused family, accepts that one should enjoy life within reason.
  10. N

    How do Christian men feel about single mothers?

    We don't, but my body is getting old (well mid-30s) and I don't want to be an old man running around after my kids.
  11. N

    How do Christian men feel about single mothers?

    I personally would not be into dating a woman who already had kids. Much of that is I am not ready to have older kids at my age despite being old enough to have a kid ready for college. I mean I am fine having a kid at my age (probably should get serious before it becomes too late for me to...
  12. N

    Confidence is Attractive?

    I think being comfortable with oneself is attractive, but confidence for the sake of confidence which borders on arrogance or being overly assertive is not.
  13. N

    How Much of an Ethnicity Does One Have to Be In Order to Be Able to Claim It?

    As a mixed-race individual (half Mexican and half Caucasian), I say a quarter....after that, it's hard to really say you're of a certain ethnicity. I find it weird when people who are of an extremely low percentage of a genetic profile (from those popular DNA tests) make a huge deal of being...
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    What Makes a Woman "A Lady"?

    Being kind to others.
  15. N

    What are Your Thoughts About Financially Independent Women?

    I am very fine with a woman who has a career and if my future wife makes more money than I do, then that means the family has. I could even become a stay-at-home dad if my salary was so small compared to my wife. That said, the terms used in the OP against certain "feminists" are really aimed...
  16. N

    Why Are Women Expected to be the Gatekeepers of Virginity?

    I am a male and I expect that I should adhere to waiting until marriage just as women should. I don't see any verse in the Bible that says I should live in sin while a woman must adhere to Christian values.
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    The Dating Age Range.

    It only matters if she is not the right one. I historically would never consider someone even a couple years younger, but now wonder if someone is the perfect match, if age really should matter.
  18. N

    How High Should One's Sexual Wanting Be as a Motivator to Get Married?

    I would rather commit sexual sin out of marriage than to rush into a marriage that ultimately leads to divorce. Jesus did not condemn sexual temptation to nearly the extent he condemned divorce.
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    How many relationships have you been in?

    34 and none. I really don't see a point in wasting time dating if I know it would not lead to anything serious.
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    I live in Southern California.