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  1. EarnestQ

    Jesus like image on the clinic wall in minahasa for 30 minute

    How do they know the reflection looks like Jesus and not any one of 3.5 billion males in the world right now?
  2. EarnestQ

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    . Awww, what a cutie. Thanks for sharing, Blue. .
  3. EarnestQ

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    . Ask people to start calling you by your middle name. I know of others who go by their middle name. .
  4. EarnestQ

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    . I know your real name: Crazy cat lady. .
  5. EarnestQ

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    . Perhaps they are not so confident in how they look to other people. Perhaps they want to keep a bit of anonymity on the website. .
  6. EarnestQ

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Good morning Jewel. I like your smiling avatar. I went to school with a girl named Jewel. She was a beauty too.
  7. EarnestQ

    Jesus like image on the clinic wall in minahasa for 30 minute

    . What do you believe is a miracle? The reflection of a car that looks somewhat like a human face? .
  8. EarnestQ

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    . May God fill the world with such men and women. .
  9. EarnestQ

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    . No problem. .
  10. EarnestQ

    The whole issue with having only 5 minutes to edit our posts is ridiculous

    . I have done that when I have a very long post to make. But, respectfully, why not fix the problem instead of asking users to live with a work around? .
  11. EarnestQ

    Complaints: I hate it when ...

    I hate it when I am working on my car and something that should only take a few seconds takes hours, days, or even months. (I recently had to remove a bolt from my transmission. It took me two months to not remove it. It finally came out when some strong young buck put more torque on it than I...
  12. EarnestQ

    Complaints: I hate it when ...

    I hate it when I am working underneath my car and the nasty gul durn flies keep painfully biting my legs.
  13. EarnestQ

    Member status

    . Oh no! That is a Sniklefritz.
  14. EarnestQ

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    . Perhaps you should read my post again paying special attention to the phrase "edifying for Christ". .
  15. EarnestQ

    The whole issue with having only 5 minutes to edit our posts is ridiculous

    I second the need for more time. I concede that at sometime in the past someone abused the ability to edit their posts, but that doesn't mean that most people will. Just today I made a post and hit "post" when I really wanted to "review". It is an easy mistake to make. At least 15 minutes is...
  16. EarnestQ

    Member status

    . What exactly is a "codger"? .
  17. EarnestQ

    I want the spirit's quickening

    . If you have been saved through the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus, God's one and only Son, your spirit is already "quickened". The next step is to draw closer to Him day by day through prayer, Bible study, godly fellowship, and perhaps even occasional fasting. The Spirit is...
  18. EarnestQ

    Half my life.......... wasted?

    I feel I have wasted the better part of my life too. I "could" have done so much but have so little to show for it. Looking back I am confident that the reason I have accomplished so little is because I invested so little into my relationship with Jesus. Had I, thirty years ago, for instance...
  19. EarnestQ

    Jesus like image on the clinic wall in minahasa for 30 minute

    It wasn't a picture of Jesus, it was a picture of Ogg who lived 50 thousand years ago. It also looked like Epinailius who was a farmer in Greece in 300 BC. It also looked like John Smathers who was a tinker in England in the early 1400's. The picture also had a striking resemblance to Rene'...
  20. EarnestQ

    Is it a sin to live your whole life alone? (socially isolated)

    I also want to add that for the last 2000 years the man who was born blind has been worshiping God because God counted Him worthy to be born blind. By becoming who God wants you to be, you will have all eternity to worship God for giving you such challenging circumstances and helping you grow...