Search results

  1. Mission21

    Looking for friends

    Welcome to CC. --- More of His grace to you.. - On your journey. Blessings,
  2. Mission21

    How should one treat the homeless?

    I learned.. - There were several factors/stories. --- One example/case: I met a person (in a wheelchair) who lost everything.. - Because of..some legal process & family issues.
  3. Mission21

    Request for prayer in a challenging time

    More of His grace to you.. - In the midst of challenges. --- It seems that you need..the spiritual renewal/restoration. Isaiah 40:31
  4. Mission21

    The daily cross

    Good post. --- "We need to learn what it means to be led by the Spirit." - I agree. It is an ongoing/continuing..learning experience. - During the spiritual journey.
  5. Mission21

    How should one treat the homeless?

    I used to give 'Burgers & Pizza' homeless. - I got into a conversation.. - To find out 'why & how'..they became homeless.
  6. Mission21

    How should one treat the homeless?

    I met a fellow who lived in his minivan..some years ago. - He parked the the Walmart (parking area). --- I have been driving the minivan..many years. - On road trips..for work.
  7. Mission21

    What are your favorite Christian songs for the 70s 80s 90s 2000s

    Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son And now let the weak say, I am strong Let the poor say, I am rich Because of what the Lord has done for us We give thanks to You oh Lord.. --- From song lyrics. 'Give Thanks' -...
  8. Mission21

    Principle or Law?

    Interesting topic/post. ---- "..with the Biblical law or principle?" What is your definition/understanding of.. the 'Biblical law'? - Laws mentioned in the Pentateuch?
  9. Mission21

    Quotes from Famous People

    "To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions." Hugh Jackman
  10. Mission21

    The Bank of.....

    Good post/point. --- "..are ludicrous extravagances compared to previous generations." - I agree.
  11. Mission21

    Our job

    Good point. -- We need more spiritual discernment & wisdom..
  12. Mission21

    Christian Seniors Form

    On another Christian Forum.. - They have a section/sub-forum. - For 50+..& 65+ yrs. ---- I vote for yes.. - To have Senior sub-forum.
  13. Mission21

    Speak Your Mind.

    Greetings, Ruby & CC coffee drinkers. --- 5:28 am East Coast, US --- Having my first cup of coffee..
  14. Mission21

    black spot in baby's heart

    More of His peace & protection.. - for mother and baby.
  15. Mission21

    New but not new.

    Welcome to CC. --- More of His grace to you.. - On your journey. Blessings,
  16. Mission21

    Hello everyone

    Welcome back. ---- More of His grace to you.. - On your journey. Blessings,
  17. Mission21

    Post-tribber KJV only new here

    Welcome to CC. ---- I have been using many Bible translations. - During my spiritual journey..50 years. - Helpful for Bible study/reading.. --- There are 'KJV only' people on CC. - Maybe you can check some threads (on KJV discussions).. - You need to search/find.. --- Do not start...
  18. Mission21

    How do Church Leaders Enforce.....

    I assume that you were involved in churches..( have the experience..) - Where this issue/process happened? (Matthew 18:15-17) - For many years?
  19. Mission21

    How do Church Leaders Enforce.....

    Some people like to..quote verses (it is not difficult..) - Matthew 18:15-17, etc.. --- Does anyone have the experience..? - got involved with this issue (Matthew 18:15-17) the churches? - for many years? --- It can be very messy..getting into the gossip, church conflict, etc.. ---- I was...