I worked with a Christian mission/ministry in india..
- involved in.. street evangelism & literature distribution.
It seems that they have some impact..
Good post.
Maybe, more focus/emphasis on..
- training Christian workers..for evangelism/outreach.
- raising Christian leaders..who have passion & commitment for..
the unreached areas in India.
Good point.
The fresh 'Move of God/Spiritual Awakenings' were often..
- despised & criticized.
- in Christian history.
I am working on the book project.
- 'Spiritual Awakenings/Revivals & Renewal..in Christian History.'
Maybe.. 'not many people in Austrailia'.. know about this info./fact.
I was in Portugal..some years ago.
- & met a fellow (US military)
He told me..there is a military base in Portugal
- I was surprised..
It seems that the US military base is..in Australia.
- Navy & Intelligence(CIA & NSA).. from 1960's.
- US Marine Rotational Force/deployment (to Austrailia) started..years ago.
He was a Christian leader (from Philippines) in Davao City.
- Involved in outreach & training mission/ministry.
He went to be with the Lord..few years ago.