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  1. MichaelOwen

    I'm in a relationship now!

    *sigh* The struggle of finding a good single Christian woman is real....... but........ Happy Birthday Joe, hope it's been a blessed one!
  2. MichaelOwen

    Did God give people sin?

    The story of the prodigal son is a great parallel to draw on when thinking on this matter. God did not give sin to people....Satan's rebellion and his angels give sin to this who willingly accept and choose to do it, God cannot tempt man of evil nor will he condone sin to man. But there's a...
  3. MichaelOwen

    Free will is an unbiblical concept

    God gives men free will to accept his son Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior or to follow Baal....think about Adam, Eve made the choice to accept what the serpent said to her, and she willingly sinned by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, and Adam also willingly partook of...
  4. MichaelOwen

    Hello brothers and sisters in Christ

    Welcome to the family brother, God loves you and so do I! :D
  5. MichaelOwen

    OSAS= House Built on Sand

    In my opinion, I don't believe that God created any one of us from beginning to end without the acknowledgment of his existence in our mind, and in our hearts. It's a matter of whether we accept him or deny him, and that also applies to Jesus, because we know nobody can come to the father but by...
  6. MichaelOwen


    I didn't see anything for you to apologize for, but any rate, I forgive you, and I offer you my friendship. A humble heart is a beautiful one, and that deserves friendship and adoration, because only God can make one's heart humble and kind and loving. :D
  7. MichaelOwen

    trump is the antichrist

    Ahh insults....the typical left wing desperate response.....sounding just like a flat Earther, when someone doesn't agree, you resort to an insult......Are you Hillary Clinton in disguise? Could've fooled me, but hey, false prophets fool people all the time :D
  8. MichaelOwen

    Is eternal torment in hell fire Biblical

    I came across this thread, and I just thought I would drop my hat in the ring, give my two cents per say. This is a topic most churches are starting not to teach anymore, and it needs to be taught, whether it makes congregations uncomfortable or not, because Jesus taught this to the multitudes...
  9. MichaelOwen

    trump is the antichrist

    Nah, Obama has already earned that honor and then some
  10. MichaelOwen

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Shouldn't this be in the Lamest Thread, Blue? :P
  11. MichaelOwen

    Comment by 'MichaelOwen' in media 'IMG_20180808_093710_807.jpg'

    Your eyes are like a beautiful beam of light that just see into my soul....haha my attempt at a roundabout way of giving you a compliment :D
  12. MichaelOwen

    As An "Older" Single, What Advice Would You Give to Younger Singles?

    I consider myself a younger single (seeing as how i'm knocking on 30's door), so my advice to my peers, might not be received very well, but Faith-n-Christ is right, 100 percent absolutely. Good character and manners go much further than you ever thought about going, they not only carry you in a...
  13. MichaelOwen

    God called me a goat

    Whoops!!! My apologies!
  14. MichaelOwen

    God called me a goat

    I guess it means you've been a baaaaaaad boooooy, haha jk, i'm not sure what means. Could have been an illusion but no idea.
  15. MichaelOwen

    The lamest thread in the world.

    No likey the Avengers?
  16. MichaelOwen

    The lamest thread in the world.

    This here is a Gremlin....... This too is also a gremlin....
  17. MichaelOwen

    The lamest thread in the world.

    I wouldn't say the Edsell was the lamest car...but close
  18. MichaelOwen


    Who would I like to meet most....well here goes: Mel85 Tommy Jewel Tourist Deade Willie-T (although I know he's banned) Demi Blue_LadyBug JoeFizz And that's just to know a quick few
  19. MichaelOwen

    HOME Thread for Christian Singles and Friends

    Peeka boo! I see you!!!