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  1. MichaelOwen

    I'm new :)

    Well there's many places....Birmingham, Montgomery, almost EVERYBODY goes down to Gulf Shores for the beach of, but I'd say if you want to visit a good place, come visit Huntsville, my hometown, home of downtown NASA, and a great place to explore history and enjoy great hospitality!
  2. MichaelOwen

    Ahh, Ship it. Ship it real good.

    ' That's crazy...I just ate some rotisserie chicken and some green beans, no joke lol
  3. MichaelOwen

    Ahh, Ship it. Ship it real good.

    MMM! BBQ! Yes ma'am!! Ribs or chicken or pork?
  4. MichaelOwen

    Christian guys confuse me!

    They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1 John 2:19 Liz, I believe I can relate to you on this. My heart actually hurts with you...
  5. MichaelOwen

    Ahh, Ship it. Ship it real good.

    It's going pretty good ma'am, how are you things going around your parts?
  6. MichaelOwen

    Ahh, Ship it. Ship it real good.

    When UPS comes along, you must ship it! To ensure the package is good and gone, you must ship it! Make sure there's nothing wrong, then you ship it! So ship it! Ship it good!!
  7. MichaelOwen

    I'm new :)

    Hello Liz! You and I are about the same age, but you got me beat by a full month and a half!! Greetings from the great state of Alabama! It's a blessing to have you here!
  8. MichaelOwen


    He has no argument, or anything to refute what he is actually posting. Biggest part of me believes this is a troll or a former member disguising himself with this profile, to push an agenda.... And seeing as how he doesn't respond to questions, i'd say he's a troll, only pushing an agenda and...
  9. MichaelOwen

    FLAT EARTH,f_auto,fl_lossy,w_640,c_limit/v1525432026/nla9xqeq1mxsui587ge2.png Checkmate!!
  10. MichaelOwen


    A troll......that's all this cat is really.....
  11. MichaelOwen

    trump is the antichrist

    So because Trump is promoting peace with some of Americas biggest threats and enemies, your condemning the man, judging him to be evil. Yes he has a past...but News flash, so do don't point the finger when you got 3 pointing straight back at you. I voted for Trump, and though I do not...
  12. MichaelOwen


    I'm calling out keep posting NOTHING but pictures, which can easily be proven wrong, yet you say nothing to defend yourself or why you believe the Earth is flat. You might be a troll...... You know, the Bible talks about great deception, and though I know it refers mostly in part...
  13. MichaelOwen


    They are truly trolls.....simple and plain....
  14. MichaelOwen


    Um....that's perspective...but it's already been proven it has absolutely nothing to do with Earth's spherical shape. Try again
  15. MichaelOwen

    Comment by 'MichaelOwen' in media 'FB_IMG_1531650105067.jpg'

    You look beautiful as always Demi!
  16. MichaelOwen


    Here is something that just completely blows Flat Earth out of the water, and this is completely observable to everyone on the face of the Earth. The Earth casts a shadow on the moon, we know this because we can see it on certain nights when the sky is clear and the moon is visible. We can also...
  17. MichaelOwen

    Living with a self righteous sinner at home

    If it is your parent that you are speaking of, it's a tough situation, but no God will never hate you....God hates sin, but he loves the sinner. Don't let those bad habits drag you down from walking a daily walk with Jesus Christ. Remember the 5th commandment of God commandments, which is to...
  18. MichaelOwen

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    In a way, you are correct, Mary was born into the sinful nature of mankind, as we all are, but you cannot confuse the fact she was a true virgin with sinful nature, two different things. Jesus came in the form of man, and He was tempted, but He was also completely spotless of sin til the very...
  19. MichaelOwen

    Did Jesus Have The Human Sinful Nature?

    Devotion, to say that Jesus had a sinful nature is to say that HE was sinning, but we know He DID NOT commit any sins, otherwise His coming and sacrifice for our sins would have been in vain, Paul even preached about this!
  20. MichaelOwen


    It does amaze me how people who believe in Flat Earth will watch a video completely blinding them, yet when refuted with countless videos and proof of the Earth being round, it's faked, and that's their go to saying, It's a vinyl record stuck on one line, same thing over and over...