Thank you ,Gary, your respons makes more sense..
And maybe I did " mishear(if there is such a word).. and
maybe it was do 'just this"...."stir the pot"..and start the conversation.
Thanks all for your posts.
When listening to a Christian radio station program,
I heard the phrase..."Delete it better than you found it!"
I have been " mulling this over"..🤔...but can't seem "to get it".
Opinions, please! Anything? Enlighten me!
Today, Oct. 1 is World Smile Day 😊
World Smile Day celebrates the ever popular yellow smiley.
it also offers us an opportunity to do an act of kindness.
According to the World Smile Day website, a proclamation of this day
was made by the U.S. Congress.
The first World Smile Day celebration...