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  1. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    And yet Romans 13:1 tells us to obey government authority because all authority is sanctioned by God. Do you follow the law? If not, then you are rebelling against God.
  2. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Then how do you explain Mathew 16:19, and it's meaning in light of Isiah 22?
  3. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    You didn't even read my comment... Romans 13:1 commands you to obey all authority because all authority is ultimately from God. Obviously, it's within the context of God's authority, so if human government tells us to do something ungodly, that's where we disobey them, otherwise we continue to...
  4. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Wrath is one of the deadliest sins. Hope you get better.
  5. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    So do you disobey the law of your country if you can get away with it? Nothing dumb about that interpretation, you clearly are an ungodly rebel if you don't obey laws. You need to repent and stop rebelling against God.
  6. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Well that's the problem... do you know which one of the thousands of original manuscripts is correct? They contradict each other!
  7. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Romans 13:1 commands you to obey all authority because all authority is ultimately from God. Obviously, it's within the context of God's authority, so if human government tells us to do something ungodly, that's where we disobey them, otherwise we continue to obey. What don't you understand...
  8. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    And yet he still told everyone to obey the Pharasees even though they were not saved (Mathew 23:3). Why are you still rebelling against authority established by God?
  9. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Anyone who truly belives in God will have works correlating with their belief and they will be saved. Those who justify sin do not truly believe. There is far more division among the hundreds it not thousands of protestant denominations than there are among the Catholic church. I'm seeking to...
  10. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Jesus said not one letter will disappear from the law, and yet he stated several of the 10 commandments and told everyone to keep them. Obviously, either all those laws have disappeared or none of them have, you can't have it both ways.
  11. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    That is literally commandment number one. What are you talking about? Yes they are different things. You are confusing the old ritualistic commandments, which Paul clearly said we don't have to obey with the 10 moral commandments that we still do. Jesus said not one letter will pass away from...
  12. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    I never claimed Peter (or the current Pope) is infallible. As a matter of fact I claimed that the Catholic church is full of corruption and lies, but that doesn't mean they don't have authority according to the Bible. You are using the same faulty logic to try and discredit their authority, but...
  13. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Papal succession is a thing. Also, Peter was given the keys to heaven by Jesus, which was a type of king who gave the keys to his stewart in Isiah 22. The keys are to be passed down to his successors.
  14. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Not really, since there are actually self-proclaimed Christians who believe in abortion. So you are either one of them or you just missed the point of that entire comment. Stupid statements like that demand stupidity to be questioned accordingly.
  15. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Catholics are not pagan, they are just confused... just like you with your disregard for God's 10 commandments. Only those who deliberately keep rebelling against God end up in hell. I agree many people lie to themselves and others when they call themselves Christians, but those who are truthful...
  16. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    I don't think you're in position to be judging people, especially since you think you don't have to follow God's law (as you mentioned in your previous comment). By misinterpreting "not under the law" you are justifying sin yourself. Or do you actually believe you "can't sin" because your faith...
  17. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    On the contrary, the article you posted only addresses a few of the points I made and it's mostly assumptions on your part. Nowhere did I claim that Peter was the rock upon which the church was built, and nowhere did I claim that he was infallible. I gave you specific examples of proof, and you...
  18. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    Anyone who builds their life on the foundation of Jesus will be saved.
  19. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    That is one massive logical fallacy. By your logic, Christianity isn't the narrow gate because it's the BIGGEST religion in the world. Anyone who builds upon Christ and truly believes will get saved. It doesn't matter what church (if any) they are part of. Everyone sins except Jesus. Jesus...
  20. N

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    The Catholic church are the new Pharasees, that's what I've been saying. Also, we are not under *condemnation* of the law, but that doesn't mean we can just keep sinning by lying, coveting, and breaking the law. "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the...