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  1. R

    Is black racism more virtuous than other racisms?

    Here in the USA, paying for it would be no problem at all. Look at the trillions being paid for corporate welfare in the form of tax breaks and bail outs; The trillions paid for nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
  2. R

    Is black racism more virtuous than other racisms?

    Race is a social construct. in Bible times, there was no such thing as race, only tribes. Society considers anyone who looks like Obama black. Why are you giving examples of horrific crimes? What is the point of that? You think people do not know that evil exists in all colors of people. To...
  3. R

    Is black racism more virtuous than other racisms?

    Yes, I have serious problems with some of those beliefs. I also know for a fact that Black people are greatly mistreated in today's society. There are some churches that have beliefs I disagree with as well. Why throw out the baby with the bath water? From what I see , the main thing they are...
  4. R

    Is black racism more virtuous than other racisms?

    I have many ideological disputes with some BLM members and/or leaders. The basic concept is biblically sound. Racism by no means died in 2008, it actually seems to have gotten worse. Black people have been mistreated by society for 100s of years and it is very naive to think that slavery and...
  5. R

    The New Abnormal is Global Socialism

    I believe communism is basically dead. But too many people confuse social programs with communism. Things like universal health care, housing as a right, and public education should not be confused with communism. When people start demanding that the government start making our cars and shoes...
  6. R

    Abortion - Bible and Feminism

    Not so. Government is the best instrument we have to promote general welfare. When people have there basic needs met, you will see all manner of crime, disease and sin decrease. Government is the only means by which we are given to alleviate physical suffering on the levels of all society. I...
  7. R

    Abortion - Bible and Feminism

    I do think on a basic level abortion is murder. But, I think Christians in general place too much emphasis compared to other forms of murder. In this day and age, starvation is murder, poverty is murder, homelessness is murder. If as Christians we are concerned with abortion then we need to...
  8. R


    Thank you for the chance to discuss and debate The Most High and the Bible