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    Attacks on the Rapture: a popular pastime among some Christians

    You said "The key phrase here is “I will come again and receive you unto myself”. " The key phrase is: "...that where I am there you may be also." Where? Here. He ascended to Heaven and will descend from Heaven to earth with our 'reward' in tow. We will be joined with Him, that where...
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    If Scripture says God is a God of Justice then why is there so much INjustice?

    Satan is the ruler of the earthly realm. God allowed him that authority. He will wreak havoc and try to thwart God's divine purpose, but keep in mind that mankind's unjust behavior is also a part of God's divine plan. There will be justice...just not in this age. It will happen when the...
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    ( whoso readeth, let him understand: )

    I agree with you on most points. Especially that there will not be another physical temple. There shouldn't be. It is quite possible that the tribulation period has indeed commenced. It is also possible (as I pondered last night in meditation) that we have already witnessed the great falling...
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    Christian Survey

    Hello fellow believers. Being new here, I wanted to get to know the members and one way of doing that is to get a general consensus on what we all believe. It is just a tool for taking a sample of views from a group of believers to identify where we agree on the basic tenets of the Christian...
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    What is sin?

    The simplest answer comes from God. I John. "Sin is the transgression of the Law." period peace
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    Is Torah Law?

    You are correct. Christ IS our righteousness. Because Christ is the Living Torah. He embodies the essence and spirit of the Law and Prophets. Before Creation of this age was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and Jesus the human completely lived...