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  1. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    I agree that science and the Bible are not at war - and tried to make that clear in the OP. On the other hand, Scientism says Big Bang 14 billion years ago, while the Bible says God spoke 6000 years ago. Only one of them can be true.
  2. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    But what do we test the spirit against to make sure it is of God - if not the written word? Romans 1:19-20... For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine...
  3. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Thanks Ted! Here's a good read on how we can come to the 6000 years age... give or take.
  4. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Exactly! And precisely why I wanted to clearly distinguish "science" from "Scientism" in the OP. There is nothing in "science" that contradicts the scriptures. Scientism, on the other hand, is a cult of mostly godless men who reject our Creator.
  5. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Absolutely! I don't agree that there is any "appearance" of billions of years anywhere on earth. What would the results of billions of years of time even look like - as compared to 6000 years of time? And while I agree that God doesn't experience time like we do, the metaphorical statements...
  6. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    There you go, David! The point of the thread is to determine whether we hold the Bible, or the Cult of Scientism, as our ultimate authority. God told us how the foundations of the earth were created... and when. The only question is whether or not we believe Him.
  7. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Hi Melach, the age of the earth can be calculated through the the genealogies in the Bible. We cannot get an "exact age" from that, but a ball park estimate that the earth is currently somewhere between five and seven thousand years old. There was about 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, about...
  8. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    The Bible teaches us that God created the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them in six days - and then rested on the seventh. This occurred a little over 6000 years ago. I believe this, because God's written word is my ultimate authority. Science is a process... an...