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  1. SkittlePumpkin

    Been a while

    Yes, one of the many things that's changed in my life 😆 Thank you 🤗
  2. SkittlePumpkin

    What was the last thing you ate?

    Thank you! Good to be back 😊
  3. SkittlePumpkin

    What was the last thing you ate?

    Braised chickpeas with tomato, feta, and spinach :love:
  4. SkittlePumpkin

    Been a while

    Haven't been on in a few years...well, here I am, poking my head in again. :D Much has changed. Thankfully, God is the one constant ❤ I hope everyone is doing well :giggle: That is all 🦄
  5. SkittlePumpkin


    I'll take a hot chocolate with a shot of raspberry; no coffee here :LOL:
  6. SkittlePumpkin

    Say something Random

    My philosophy is basically this, and this is something that I live by, and I always have, and I always will: Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever...
  7. SkittlePumpkin

    The why did God thread

    Just saw this comment literally right after I posted mine 😆
  8. SkittlePumpkin

    The why did God thread

    I actually love spiders. And they can be pretty useful; I once lived in an apartment that was literally infested with flies. The spiders really helped out with that 👍 What I can't figure out is why He created mosquitoes. Maybe they started out as happy little fairy bugs, and then when Lucifer...
  9. Paper is funny

    Paper is funny

  10. SkittlePumpkin

    What do you do to pass time?

    Usually draw and watch The Office 😁
  11. SkittlePumpkin

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    I'll think of one and let you know! 😁
  12. SkittlePumpkin

    So, I’m back...and I’m agnostic now.

    Also, the Bible truly is living and active; my favourite thing about it is that you can literally read it cover to cover 500 times, and then on the 501st time, you suddenly see things you'd never seen before. So, re-reading it might not be a bad idea! Just some food for thought 😁
  13. SkittlePumpkin

    So, I’m back...and I’m agnostic now.

    Hi WineRose! Welcome back 😄 I was also gone from CC for a while, and am back now...though not agnostic 😆
  14. SkittlePumpkin


    Hay! Yes, I've taken quite a hiatus from CC 😆 But I'm back now 😊
  15. SkittlePumpkin


    I have scoleciphobia, which is a fear of worms. Literally any other creepy crawler I can handle, but worms give me straight up panic attacks. I can barely even handle pictures of worms. Whenever I see people pick up worms, I'm like....what sorcery is this.
  16. SkittlePumpkin

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Usually sweet. But if I'm feeling sassy, dill.
  17. SkittlePumpkin

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    My favourite 😁 Don't like to discuss it, though. I tell ya, a discussion about politics, abortion, homosexuality, the Trinity, and flat Earth combined doesn't even come close to the tense conflict that arises for stating my beliefs about pineapple on pizza. Narrow is the road that leads to...
  18. SkittlePumpkin

    Have You Ever ____________ thread....

    I'm assuming you're referring to the candies; if so, yes. I forgot those existed 😆 Have you ever ridden a donkey?