There's no such thing as an "Athiest" since God is clearly discerned by what he's made (Rom 1). The Bible lets us know that what God PROMISED in Genesis ("Crushing the devil's head") has been provided (the Gospel: Eph 2:8,9).
God has let us know what HIS WILL FOR OUR LIVES is.
I've always been KJVP (preference). I learned to read in the KJV 75 or so years ago, I know most of the bad translation "work arounds", and the archaic English doesn't bother me a bit.
This is the YEC fantasy. Personally, I'm an OEC, and go with the "Gap Theory", which places an unknown span of TIME and any number of "Creations"/Spiritual Activities between Gen 1:1, and Gen 1:2.
SOME Roman Catholics are ALSO Born again Christians. I'd be my guess that MOST Roman Catholics are nothing but "Roman Catholics", and are trusting ROME, or their Mary thing, or their "religious activities" to save them.
But satan's BEST JOKE on Catholics is "Purgatory". Imagine his joy when a...
Bergoglio has been spreading the "UNIVERSALIST LIE for some time now. he's not a Catholic, and apparently not even a born again Christian. He's just another hell-bound heretic.
"BELIEF" (Mental assent / agreement) doesn't mean SPIT. the devil "Believes" but that means nothing.
FAITH (Heb 11:1) (ROmans 10:17) is what get it done. Catolics claim that"BElief" and "FAITH" are the same thing, but BIBLICALLY they're NOT. YOU have to hold on to, and defend "Belief", but...
Roman Catholic HERETICS, however, have created an entire HERETICAL DOCTINE about post-mortem purification, even though Biblically the concept is RIDICULOUS, and blasphemous against the actual sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
And it goes a bit beyond that even. The previous Pope was a "Party animal", and had largely bankrupted the treasury, and Leo 10 in order to restore finances, and Johann Tetzel (The "Grand commissioner of Indulgences" for Germany) , set out to make money through FEAR (Typical Catholic) and the...
John 3:5 HAS NOTHING TO DO with ceremonial water baptism. the context of the entire passage is the difference between "Natural Birth, and SPiritual Birth. "Baptismal Regenerationists" try to make it a "Proof text for their silly paradigm, but that's an obvious misuse of the passage...
"Purgatory" was created by PLATO the philosopher. It's not in the Roman Catholic Apocrypha additions either, but they've "Interopreted it in" as a "Cash COw" for them (coins clink in etc.).
SInce it's essentially a MONEY SCAM, where cash will buy your way out, it's obviously not about...
Three THINGS you need to know about playing the hospital game (I just got out of Presbyterian in Dallas after a Aortic heart valve replacement).
When asked about your pain level 1-10, ALWAYS tell 'em 8 or 9!!! Otherwise you'll get NO pain medication. Hospitals are PARANOID about giving...
TRUE - if GOD doesn't "DRAW", you ain't coming. But ALL HUMANITY is hell-bound, NOT BECAUSE THEY "INHERITED" anything, but because of their OWN SIN. God has mercy on whom he chooses (Rom 9:18).
CONTEXT!!! You said: "Sinless or not, a person MUST be born again".
Since EVERYBODY SINS, then there IS NO "NOT". Jesus was SINLESS, but HE didn't have to be Born Again, since HE already HAD the Holy Spirit (as recorded at his baptism).
Moot issue. THERE IS NOBODY that's "Not Sinless", consequently being BORN AGAIN is a universal requirement and your "Nature" argument is totally unimportant.