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  1. M

    "Wages of sin is death"

    God says in His Word that the penalty for sin is death. Believers and unbelievers take these words out of context and twist them around to fit their narrative, whether they understand it or not. Those who do not study the Word of God and don't have a close personal relationship with Him may...
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    When did the Church begin?

    Most Christians today believe and teach that the Church started on the day of Pentecost. When Jesus tells Peter, "I will build my church...." was a forecast of what was to come upon His death and resurrection. Jesus asked His disciples in Matthew 16:13, "whom do men say that I the son of man...
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    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    It seems there is a lot more room for studying this subject. Some Christians fall under the "need for baptism" to be saved from the Lake of fire, while others see being baptized as an outward showing or work of their faith. Submitting to what God's Word reveals to us can be difficult...
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    Are some sins greater than others?

    Is all sin equal or are some greater than others? Let us remember that there is no sin that cannot be forgiven(accept the rejection of Christ). Forgiveness is offered to every sinner; no sin is so great that Jesus' blood doesn't cover. Thank you, Jesus! It would seem that scripture reveals...
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    Does God punish Christians for sin?

    First, we must distinguish between God's punishment for sin and His discipline for sin. As Christians, all of our sins; past, present, and future, have already been punished on the Cross. Its because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we will never be sent to the Lake of fire as punishment for our...
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    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    Many church denominations today have different interpretations of what the Bible says concerning baptism. A good number of church officials place a strong emphasis on baptism and how it relates to salvation. Also, because of the many different denominations in this country, we have different...
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    Do Angels understand a Christian's Salvation?

    The Bible says that we have "entertained angels unawares", meaning they have observed us doing the will of God or they have simply watched us carry out our day-to-day human lives. Humans may have carried on conversations without even knowing they had talked to an Angel. There are many...
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    Was Nicodemus saved?

    Absolutely. When someone accepts Jesus for who He is and what He done for all of us, the Holy Spirit "takes up residence within the believer". How this occurs is different for every believer in Christ. Remember Cornelius' family being saved? Also, in Acts 4:31, buildings were shaken as the...
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    Was Nicodemus saved?

    Many church officials and leaders believe before Pentecost people were saved in the same manner in which Abraham and others of the Old Testament were. Romans 4:3, "Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness."
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    Was Nicodemus saved?

    Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, who in his first encounter with Jesus, came to Him in secret during the night. He was a Jew and a highly respected teacher of the Old Testament and feared criticism from the other members of the Sanhedrin. Nicodemus is mentioned three...
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    Who is Junia?

    At the end of the Book of Romans, Paul greets many individuals by name, including "Andronicus and Junia." Many make the claim that the two were Apostles. This would be rather interesting in that "Junia" is a feminine name, which would mean the only female Apostle mentioned in the New...
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    Realm of the Dead

    When a believer and an unbeliever die, where do they go? Is there a "holding place" where people go to await final judgement? If there is such a "holding place" are the believers and unbelievers separated? The Bible uses words like "Sheol", "Hades", and "Gehenna" when speaking of Hell, but...
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    A hidden message in Genesis?

    Paul tells us in Ephesians 3:3-6, that there was a "mystery" concerning Christ and was not made known "to the sons of men in other generations." This "mystery" that Paul is talking about, is that the gentiles were fellow heirs of the promise of Jesus Christ. Salvation was not just for the...
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    The rich young ruler

    This story is told in 3 of the 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. A young man came to Jesus asking Him, "What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" The young man's question implies that he wanted to perform some "work" that might grant him eternal life. Jesus reveals exactly...
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    Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah

    Sodom and Gomorrah was guilty of many horrendous sins, but most likely the reason for their destruction at the hands of our Lord was homosexuality. Sodom is identified in scripture with Gomorrah as the "cities of the plain." Its this area that Lot, Abraham's nephew, lived. Lot was one of the...
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    Gamaliel's advice

    In ancient times many people were hung, stoned, beaten, and put in prison for preaching the word of God. Today, in America, we are free to witness and preach to whoever will listen. We don't have to worry about imprisonment or death in the United States. In the book of Acts, Peter and other...
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    Why Jesus spoke in parables

    Why parables? Why wouldn't Jesus have given straight forward answers to His teachings? It has been said that the reason Jesus spoke in parables, was that it helped better understand His message. This is incorrect, since even His disciples couldn't understand most of them at first. Theses...
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    Prayer is a direct communication that we have with our Heavenly Father. Frequent prayer is among the most important attributes of the Christian life. It is so important, that not praying is a sin, 1 Samuel 12:23. Jesus taught His disciples to always pray, never giving up or to lose heart when...
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    The banishment of Adam and Eve

    Genesis 3:22 "Lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." We don't have much to go on, but this verse seems to tell us that the tree of life may have had some role in maintaining their existence.
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    The banishment of Adam and Eve

    Two punishments were given out by God for disobeying Him: 1.) They were cursed. 2.) They were banished from the Garden of Eden. God tells Adam that he can freely eat of every tree of the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God says that if he eats from it, "he will...