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  1. Scrobulous

    And the LORD was grieved

    You make a good point, but if you read the text of 1 Samuel 15:35 the Lord is grieved about His decision to make Saul king, not the unhappy outcome of Saul being the king. It seems God could have chosen David straight away. From this we have to conclude that Saul’s disobedience was instructive...
  2. Scrobulous

    And the LORD was grieved

    In 1 Samuel 15:35 we read the somewhat surprising statement that ‘the Lord grieved that he had made Saul king over Israel’. If a human being made such a statement, it would be fine. Saul was not a good king, but how can God say such a thing? Nothing catches God by surprise. God chose Saul...
  3. Scrobulous

    Holy Spirit baptism

    In his excellent book, ‘The Holy Spirit, who He is and what He does’ R.A.Torrey makes a very convincing case. He argues that salvation, in which one receives the indwelling holy spirit, is a separate event (that can occur simultaneously) to the baptism of the holy spirit and that further...
  4. Scrobulous

    Praying on your knees

    Thanks for all the comments.
  5. Scrobulous

    Praying on your knees

    This is a serious question. Should an able bodied person pray kneeling down? Jesus and Paul certainly knelt to pray, does this mean we should? I find it much easier to pray while walking up and down. Is this disrespectful? Views from the forum most welcome.
  6. Scrobulous

    Cities of refuge

    Point taken. But this is the problem when one asks hypothetical questions. IF the law said that cases of accidental murder should be investigated by the judges and that the avenger should not unilaterally take revenge, then he would not be obeying the law by killing and the cities of refuge...
  7. Scrobulous

    Need clarity regarding this Predestination thing and something related to an election?

    Milee777 Well, you have kicked off another Calvinism versus Arminianism debate and are probably thinking why bother with these forums? Where is this unity of the spirit we hear about? What about Hebrews 8:11 based on Jer 31:34? No longer will they teach their neighbour, or say to one another...
  8. Scrobulous

    The golden rule and the law

    Dying of starvation is something no one cam imagine unless he has been there. I used to think I would rather die than eat another person, but as I get older, I lose this confidence. In such a situation the jew would be in a terrible position, were he to find a dead animal. Particularly since a...
  9. Scrobulous

    The golden rule and the law

    Thanks Bill. What you say makes sense.
  10. Scrobulous

    The golden rule and the law

    Thanks for your reply.
  11. Scrobulous

    Cities of refuge

    In the law of Moses the issue of cities of refuge are mentioned several times. Deut chapter 19, for example tells us what these cities are for. They are places where a man can flee if he accidently kills someone. It makes sense, after a fashion, but to me at least, it seems very odd that this...
  12. Scrobulous

    The golden rule and the law

    Indeed, but the covenants were part of an unfolding plan. The mosaic covenant was intended to demonstrate to jews and their neighbours, the benefits of keeping the law and the moral superiority of the Israelites. Part of the greatest commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself. Deut 14:21...
  13. Scrobulous

    The golden rule and the law

    Deut 14:21. Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to an alien living in any of your towns, and they may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. But you are a people holy to the LORD your God. This injunction from the law seems to be in breach of the golden rule: Do unto...
  14. Scrobulous

    Infectious skin diseases

    Fascinating. Thanks for the post!
  15. Scrobulous

    Infectious skin diseases

    Yes, I think you are right. Since posting this I came to the same conclusion. Thanks for the confirmation.
  16. Scrobulous


    Well, you have come up with a fairly unconvincing argument, as have many others. I think the matter is simpler than this. God knew he would be understood by the people of the time and in non spiritual matters, God wastes no time correcting man’s misconceptions. When Jesus was losing disciples...
  17. Scrobulous


    The issue was not about whether a rabbit is clean or unclean. It was why God says that a rabbit 'chews the cud' that is, it is a ruminant, when a rabbit does not chew the cud. God should know this, even though the locals did not.
  18. Scrobulous


    Rabbits are herbivores. They eat vegetables, not meat. I thought you were joking when I first read your post, but further comments suggest you give this idea credence. A quick google on this would be instructive!
  19. Scrobulous

    Modern State of Israel: Is it biblical?

    Perhaps you should read a history book. Then you wouldn’t embarrass yourself.
  20. Scrobulous

    Infectious skin diseases

    I am confused by this subject. In Lev 13:7-8 we are told that a rash that speads in the skin makes the person unclean. This is logical. But in Lev 13:12-13 it says that if a disease breaks out all over the body, from head to foot, the priest is to pronounce the person clean! I don’t understand...