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  1. BenAvraham

    Offering up our BEST to the LORD (EXODUS 25-27)

    It is interesting to note that during the building of the Mishkan, the offerings were all voluntary, but during the building of the temple in Jerusalem by King Solomon, it was NOT voluntary. Solomon imposed taxes upon the people, and the taxes paid for the building project...
  2. BenAvraham

    Offering up our BEST to the LORD (EXODUS 25-27)

    Parashah: “T'rumah” (offering) EXODUS 25:1-27:19 Just as the Israelites offered up the treasures and "back pay" they received in Egypt, to build the sanctuary for the LORD to dwell in their midst, so we also can give of our time, talent, and treasures to Adonai,to wherever HE has chosen to...
  3. BenAvraham

    A look at Jeremiah 34:8-22 and Mark 1-2

    JEREMIAH 34:8-22, 33:25-26 Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet” because Israel had returned to idolatry, and corruption, YHVH sends him with a message to Israel, “Repent” and “turn from your sins”, one of the sins was to go back on their word. Jeremiah told them that God had said...
  4. BenAvraham

    what are "judgments?" (Biblically speaking) EX 21:1-24:18

    PARASHA: “Mishpatim” (Judgments) EXODUS 21:1-24:18 “Bringing to light the meaning of some difficult mitzvoth” So, what are so called "judgments?" Example, a judge will give a "judgment" after hearing a case involving a criminal, and after hearing the verdict of the jury. He or she will...
  5. BenAvraham

    A look at Isaiah 6:1-7:6; and Matt 27:1-28:20

    ISAIAH 6:1-7:6 ” KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TZEVA’OT” .... Holy, Holy, Holy, is YHVH of hosts” When the Torah mentions the “Holiness” of God, the word is KADOSH, the “O” is there, (the letter “vav” in Hebrew) but when “holiness” is mentioned referring to mankind, the “O” is missing...
  6. BenAvraham

    a closer look at the 10 Commandments

    REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY....The sabbath is and always will be Saturday, it was never changed to Sunday, nothing wrong with going to church on Sunday, to me, it is a “double blessing” to worship Adonai two days straight. Yes, the early believers met on the first day of the week...
  7. BenAvraham

    a closer look at the 10 Commandments

    PARASHA: “Yitro” (Jethro) Exodus 18:1-20:26 We see in this parashah, a lot of wisdom on the part of Moshe and Yitro, his father-in-law. First, we learn that Moshe had send his wife and children back to stay with father and grandfather. I believe for safe-keeping, when one sees danger, it is...
  8. BenAvraham

    A look at Judges 4:4-5:31 and Matt 26:1-75

    JUDGES 4:4-5:31 In this reading, we read about Devorah and Jael, two women of God who played an important role in Israel's history. We read about many “men of God” but very few “women of God” but they are out there, and today, we have many women who are used mightily by God in ministry...
  9. BenAvraham

    When Pharaoh let Israel go...EX 13:17-17:16

    When the Israelites get to the beach, they get ready to cross, in Hebrew it is known as “Yam Suf” in English, it is known as “Nuweba Beach” it is a tourist resort today in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. We see that YHVH goes behind the Israelites to protect them, in the form of darkness to the...
  10. BenAvraham

    When Pharaoh let Israel go...EX 13:17-17:16

    PARASHAH: “B'shalach” (when he let go) EXODUS 13:17-17:16 We are coming down to the “show down” where Pharaoh gets his just desserts, and gets what he deserves for defying the God of Israel, going back on his word to “let Israel go”, you cannot pursue Israel without getting hurt, and...
  11. BenAvraham

    A look at Jeremiah 46:13-28; Matt 25:1-46; John 19

    JER 46:13-28 600 years later, after the fall of Egypt at Passover, disaster strikes against, this time, YHVH uses Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon as instrument of destruction against Egypt, seems like Egypt was not humbled after the Passover experience. You would think that the pharaohs...
  12. BenAvraham

    The war of the gods! (Ex 10:1-13:16)

    ” This month shall be your beginning of months for you, it shall be the first month of the year for you” This can't be any clearer in my observation, it isn't January 1st, it is the first of Nissan, and since the lunar calendar changes from year to year, our “New Year's Day” (the real...
  13. BenAvraham

    The war of the gods! (Ex 10:1-13:16)

    PARASHA: “BO” (enter) EXODUS 10:1-13:16 A few thousand years ago, there was a war of the gods. The gods of Egypt against the one true God of the universe. Kind of like an ant declaring war on an elephant. Pharaoh made the challenge. A challenge which ended in his demise. We can rebel...
  14. BenAvraham

    A look at; Ezekiel 28:25-29:21; Matt 24:1-51; Rom 9:14-15

    EZEKIEL 28:25-29:21 The prophet speaks through the Holy Spirit and affirms that even though Israel has been scattered throughout the countries of the world, they will be returned to their land in the future, it is already happening, Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948, and since...
  15. BenAvraham

    Knowing the Most Holy Name of God (YHVH) Ex 6:2-9:35

    PARASHA: “Va’era” (and I appeared) EXODUS 6:2-9:35 YHVH speaks to Moshe saying that when he appeared to Abraham, he revealed himself as “El Shaddai” which means “God Almighty” or “God all-powerful, yet he did not reveal himself as he did to Moshe, with Moshe he revealed himself with the more...
  16. BenAvraham

    A look at Isaiah 27:6-28:13 and Matt 22-23

    ISAIAH 27:6-28:13 ” In the days to come, shall Jacob take root, Israel shall blossom and bud....” We see a fulfilling of this prophecy in that once taken from Egypt, and united and solidified as a “People” a “Nation”, this people/nation has grown and has spread out throughout the world...
  17. BenAvraham

    Looking at Exodus, the call of Moses (Ex 1-6)

    The pharaoh of verse 8 is paranoid and thinks that the Israelites will join, perhaps with the Hittites, to over throw Egypt. It is said that “Senoset” the pharaoh that gave rise to power to Joseph was a foreign king, a “Semite” known as a “Hyksos king”, perhaps that was why he felt some kinship...
  18. BenAvraham

    Looking at Exodus, the call of Moses (Ex 1-6)

    PARASHA: “Shemot” (Names) Exodus 1:1-6:1 We enter into a new era, Jacob/Israel and Joseph are now in the past, yet their legacy continues, in “Am Yisrael” (The People of Israel). ”70 souls” entered Mitzraim (Egypt). It is interesting that the Hebrew word “Nefesh” is used for “souls” yet the...
  19. BenAvraham

    When the Guns were Silent (A Christmas tale from WW1)

    Michael ran in zig-zag movements, making his way towards the German lines. He caught sight of the machine gun nest, and as the machine gunners turned their weapon of death towards his path, he threw himself down to the earth, awaiting the bullets to pass over his head. He got up again and made...
  20. BenAvraham

    When the Guns were Silent (A Christmas tale from WW1)

    Hans just looked at him a bit confused. Of course, he didn't understand. Then he opened his little pocket-sized Bible and started to read. He read out loud, yet quietly. Then he took a photograph from the bible and showed it to Michael. “Meine Familie Michael,” said Hans proudly, “Meine Frau...