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  1. D


    Okay. So, it's cool that people believe there is a heaven. However, other than what God tells us in the bible, I'm not sure we have to set out to "prove" its existence. Also, I get a little concerned with the accounts of "near-death experiences." I'm not saying they aren't real, just that the...
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    Tips for Living With Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Psychologists have recently discovered a new mental disorder. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). But what is it, and how do you know if you have it? Most importantly, how do you treat the illness? Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental disorder characterized by an irrational...
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    Rev 1921

    Thanks for taking the time to sum it up for me. I still don't get it. And I probably never will ( I don't think I'm the only one, though). But thanks for trying. :)
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    Heartbreaking: Pastor loses 6 members of family in fiery crash

    Nothing wrong with getting involved in politics. I always fear it will get in the way of making disciples, though. And I certainly don't believe political discourse belongs behind the pulpit. However, you make some very good points.
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    I've fallen on some hard times.

    I went through a spiritual battle about three years ago. I am glad you are not fighting it alone. Please keep posting here and let us know how you are doing.
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    Individual to repent

    Okay, but on one condition. You pray for my repentance too. Please pray the Lord shows me my sin on an hourly basis, and that I may fall flat on my face and seek forgiveness. I find it so liberating when God the Father takes my sin from me in the name of Jesus and disposes of it for good. I'm...
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    Is all scripture plain to understand?

    That's good. Because I would hate to think that a preoccupation with dispensationalism would take time away from your witnessing to non-believers.
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    Hello, my name is James I don't know how this cite work... But im reaching out because i need true brothers and sisters

    Boy, don't we all. It's been especially difficult to connect over the past year. Where are you from? Are you married or single? What has God done in your life? Thanks for reaching out.
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    What is your dating advice?

    Here's a sure-fire way to kill your chances, and end up settling for MR. Wrong. Just say to yourself, over and over again: " I want to find a Christian man who lives in my hometown and has a good reputation. He has to be nice looking, but not as pretty as me. He has to have a good job with a...
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    Created For Good Works

    Great post. Timely, too. I truly believe that if we all followed your advice, we would see a lot more millionaires in this world. I realize that wasn't your point, though. Thanks for the instruction. I needed that. :)
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    Civil war coming to America?

    So, are we to just throw our hands up in defeat? Jesus didn't say, "Go and make disciples of all nations, as long as everyone will cooperate." Don't you think the church has been in its comfort zone long enough?
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    Civil war coming to America?

    No one can make that kind of judgment except God the Father. I think we have to be really careful about this kind of rhetoric. Let's not get caught up as Christians in the vitriol between Fox News and MSNBC. I call on all believers, especially pastors, to put down their swords and pick up...
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    Am I the Only One?

    Wow, great post, all of it. And so many great replies. Okay, you can tell me I'm crazy for what I'm about to suggest, but here it goes. Since you are now probably pretty close to 18 you may want to postpone college for a few years and join the military. I am assuming that the UK armed forces...
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    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Did-you look up those big-boy words all by yourself, or did you have help from your mommy? I think 90% of your replies are loathsome, interminable, and scurrilous. From now on, talk to the hand.
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    My Daughter won’t follow the Lord

    Hey, BBB. Love the name you picked for your profile. Don't know what it means, but it makes me laugh. As far as your post goes, I also laugh at some of the responses you got so far, especially with the emojies. After all, how absolutely shocking it is for somebody to be "raised as a Christian"...
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    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    I don't think it is in the best interest of the church to label all women as "emotionally ill-equipped." There are two main reasons why God prohibits women from having spiritual authority over men: 1. Adam was first. Eve was made from adam's flesh. Therefore, Adam was chosen to lead the way...
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    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Wonderful, but that doesn't exempt you from the need to show just a tiny bit of humility. Let me give you a quick example: I once invited an older gentleman--78 I think he was-- to the Bible Study Fellowship program in my area. We were studying Isaiah at that time. I struggled with the subject...
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    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Let me see if I can translate all this double-speak for the rest of us peasants who are obviously not as enlightened. This is the first argument most pastors make about people coming to church and throwing money into the collection plates. "You need theology," they declare. "Without it, you...