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  1. G

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Free2grace, Read each verse VERY CAREFULLY. There is much more than this. John 6:65 Then Jesus said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless the Father has chosen him.” Matthew 11:27 no one knows the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses. John 6:44 “No...
  2. G

    A Closer Look at Ephesians 1:13

    Free2grace, Wansvic, 2Timothy, Understanding all these things has been so stressful for so many years to try to find what really is the truth. From experience with 100% certainty just cause someone believes does not mean they have the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is given always...
  3. G

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    All of you are so confident you have it figured out. We are right before the endtimes tribulation period right now. As the awatakee guy said, after the prophecies then Jesus comes onto earth to reign 1000 years. Corona is the beginning. You guys that say there is no rapture do not realize that...
  4. G

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    2Timothy I like the way you think Posthuman, You say the “brothers” were murderers or didn’t believe because they wanted Jesus to perform more miracles at the festival. How you think like that as if they were evil or something? The men already seen miracles so they already believed. They...
  5. G

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    Hatedfornoreason, Just because someone prays for everything, even if they realize tv and things you listed is sin by others who were shown it by God and they beg God give them power to overcome amd be different and not sin, He still does not care or answer unless He chose a person 😭. I’ve lived...
  6. G

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    2Timothy Man you are one of the only ones I have seen that realizes getting the Holy Spirit is not how Christians think. That it’s extremely rare and that it alone has the power to change their personality and be holy like God says. You mention true believers as if by their will and power...
  7. G

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    TheLearner, that seems like a good translation whichever it is cause I know 2Timothy was not purposely calling God a liar but only reading what the text said from the translations He seen. I never seen that verse and was going to ask why would it be written showing Jesus lied? But the...
  8. G

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    If you are saying the rapture is around the mid trib period I agree. The tribulation and then wrath great tribulation in between those two the first rapture.
  9. G

    "I will destroy man": the judgments which are to come

    Magenta, I am telling you in my experience, of most people I know and have discussed, that with the ability of how they relation with humans, they want that with God. If God loves them they need to interact with Him so that they can have a relationship and by His guiding and spirit talking to...
  10. G

    A Closer Look at Ephesians 1:13

    Are you guys picking up on anything here? Paul asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit even tho they were believers. With that you can deduce that Paul knew from experience or knowledge that just because someone believed in their mind it did not mean they were given the holy spirit. Most...
  11. G

    "I will destroy man": the judgments which are to come

    That whosoever contradicts Jesus words and must align. It must be whosoever out of the world that God chose and granted repentance, power to live acceptably holy, the holy spirit, and faith that is given by Him. Many places in bible that uses words that in transliteration English means -...
  12. G

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    God has already given revelation to select individuals all over the world about most every major event endtime through dreams visions and power from the holy spirit like He did bible prophets. He has given them bits and pieces but never one person everything. Cause Bible says He gives to...
  13. G

    "I will destroy man": the judgments which are to come

    If it was plain to everyone there would be no conflict in the world. There would be no debate. As a kid I had extreme mental illness and I never had any conscious thought or idea about God or a god who He was etc. It was only me being exposed to people who taught about religions that I even...
  14. G

    "I will destroy man": the judgments which are to come

    Many don’t repent cause God chooses who repents and who gets to be saved. He also irresistably draws to Him those He chooses no matter where they are or who they are. As you know most humans in the world doesn’t even have mental knowledge of Christianity so how can they be at fault?