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  1. Wonderland

    What to do to win the war for my soul?

    I am a deliverance minister, I can help. Visit my website to learn more about deliverance. Casting out demons was the most common miracle in the Bible. When God called me to this ministry he said he has called many, but few will come. I want you to be free, and so does Jesus. It is possible for...
  2. Wonderland

    Praying for Satan. Can we? Should we?

    There is no forgiveness for fallen angels. Jesus clearly explained this to them before they rebelled, and prepared hell for the Devil and his angels. They chose their destiny. Case closed. No need to pray about it.
  3. Wonderland

    Prophetic dream?

    I love your dream. I've recently gotten into dream interpretation, and since have had hundreds of dreams. I write (most of them) down. Some I've gotten the interpretation for, some the interpretation has come later, and some are still a mystery to me. Keep dreaming! Write them down (even if...
  4. Wonderland


    I cook with cast iron. That's my new hobby.
  5. Wonderland


    EternalSoul-- Have you engaged in spiritual warfare? Obviously the devil has a foothold in your life, so cover those footholds with the blood of Jesus, and rebuke the devourer who is trying to destroy you. What was the root of this evil? I'm guessing there are other people in your family who...
  6. Wonderland

    How many minutes or hours does your children work on homework?

    We also homeschool (my husband is the teacher--I am the breadwinner). He is a very black and white guy, so when the curriculum says we should be on day 49, he expects the kids to be on day 49. I try to get him to lighten up, because my kids have SO many more skills than kids their age in a...
  7. Wonderland

    Before your road-trip...

    Don't forget to put up your spiritual protection--re-engage the armor of God, shield of faith, and sword of the spirit. You are about to leave your fortified environment and enter into the world. Don't go unprepared. When you get home spiritually cleanse yourselves, anything you received from...
  8. Wonderland

    Seeking peace in tragedy

    I understand why there is injustice in the world. I understand why God allows it. But yesterday I heard a horrific story about a 4 year old girl who was beaten to death on her birthday by her parents. The description of her injuries made me sick to my stomach. I haven't stopped crying for 2...
  9. Wonderland

    The flame has fizzled

    I'm working with a woman who wants a divorce because she doesn't love her husband anymore. She has no complaints other than that--she just doesn't love him and is not sure if she ever did. What can I suggest to help her get the spark flaming in her marriage before it ends in divorce?
  10. Wonderland

    The New Earth

    The Bible, in several places, tells us that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Who will live on the new earth?
  11. Wonderland

    Praise the LORD!

    So often we pray for what we need, but what about just praying about the goodness of God in all circumstances? Thanking him for his mercy and love, justice and grace... Everything that has breath praise the LORD! Blessed be the name of Jehovah! There is no God like Jehovah! Amen! My prayer...