Lets have a look at some objective data and evidence about this covid pandemic..
View attachment 224396
A vast difference...
Here is a checklist to help determine weather or not we are in a pandemic
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Well then... Its quite clear that we nave nothing but a fake pandemic here
POINT 1- Many people know someone who has caught it- you are in the minority here.
POINT 2- In the UK we had to open up make-shift hospitals such as the Nightingale. Maybe there were empty beds in cancer wards and such but thats because we put the focus on COVID and neglected cancer patients- a cancer ward isnt the place for a COVID patient.
POINT 3- There are many many dead people- mortality rates have gone up.
POINT 4- Different people are running the country- contextual relevance also needs taking into account- during the Spanish flu there wasn't a media frenzy or crazy people on twitter nor tv shows trying to slate everybody and their views/ leadership.
POINT 5- any old random person can't help to treat COVID. Medicine has advanced since the Spanish flu and thus now more than ever requires qualified professionals- there is a reason it takes years to be a Doctor. A lot of peopler in the Spanish Flu days needed to help out at factories- factories are now partially automated and need less staff to run so thus less people need to help if the workers get sick.
POINT 6- Do you understand how Capitalism works? It is more prevalent than ever.
POINT 7- Perhaps we have more scientific knowledge then we did during the Spanish Flu- COVID is new and so we discover more about it everyday and the scientific advices changes to match. We have more scientists than we did then and they now have an easy platform- the internet- of course there are differing opinions. We all want a quick end to this pandemic and a return to normality, some people are just too selfish to follow advice and keep others safe.
POINT 8- I think the majority of people with a reasonable IQ are more concerned about death than a fine they might incur in the unlikely event they get caught breaking regulations.
POINT 9- Fights over toilet paper was due to panic- it was also massively exaggerated by the media. Do you really expect people to stay calm at the beginning of a pandemic when we are fighting an unknown virus?