Recent content by Aaron56

  1. Aaron56

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Oh, you think we‘re not currently at war. Interesting.
  2. Aaron56

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Right?! I mean, they say crazy things just like that! :D Who were you quoting?
  3. Aaron56

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Since we've all concluded that there will be no pre-trib rapture, because the Lord is able to keep His own safe even within fire and the worst of circumstances, can we move on now? And we are absolutely correct: it's silly to suggest that the Lord will withdraw the troops just prior to victory...
  4. Aaron56

    The crusades

    I meant to type: By their doctrine, living people, not ”principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” became their enemies.
  5. Aaron56

    The crusades

    Eternal judgement, an elementary doctrine, is seeing things from an eternal perspective: God’s. Eternal judgement tells us that Christ, through His people, conquered the Roman Empire from within even under extreme and sanctioned persecution. They did this not by fighting the Romans but by...
  6. Aaron56

    The crusades

  7. Aaron56

    The crusades

    Wow, I need a better editor. What I meant to write: Be wary of the "gun and rights cult" that has emerged from the American church. Like the Romans, they've mixed men's traditions with religious teachings. All kinds of abominable ideas have been born from that joining.
  8. Aaron56

    The crusades

    If the church properly taught eternal judgement (judgement from an eternal perspective) the answers to questions like these would be easy to ascertain. Killing people in the name of Christ was never done, by either Christ or His disciples. For the people who think otherwise, they are on the...
  9. Aaron56

    Flesh vs Spirit

    Christ gave us greater commandments than those in the law.
  10. Aaron56

    Flesh vs Spirit

    No. Those were still in the old law. It is helpful for us to compare between the old commandment and the new. The reference to a “new” commandment by implication implies that there was an “old” commandment. So what is the “old” commandment? The “old” commandment is found in Matthew, chapter...
  11. Aaron56

    Flesh vs Spirit

    People don’t get it. There is lawful, lawless, and then a third way: being led by the Spirit. And you are so right, sis: the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. Now we are in Christ and follow the Spirit of God. When we hear people say “Well, now that I am in Christ I can follow the...
  12. Aaron56

    On This Day in Church History

    We haven’t even started on Hobbes. Oh you just wait, Hobbes’ll get his comeuppance.
  13. Aaron56

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    “Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh.“ Okay, but like, we should still say Christ was a Jew, right? “Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.” Dang it!
  14. Aaron56

    He that believes and is not water baptised is saved

    Jesus Christ baptizes us WITH the Spirit. He accomplishes this from heaven. The Spirit baptizes us into the one Body of Christ. This also occurred AFTER Jesus ascended to heaven as there was no body of Christ into which anyone could be immersed until after He arose as the life-giving Spirit...