Recent content by MikeIsraelite72

  1. MikeIsraelite72

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    There are the first and second resurrections, rapture doctrine is foolishness wrapped up in “christian” idleness fueled by hollywood and the Left Behind cult.
  2. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    The typical denominational Christian understanding of Galatians 3:16 is not only contrary to the original intent of its author, Paul of Tarsus, but it is also contrary to all of the promises of Scripture. It goes so far as to endeavor to make void all of the promises of Scripture which we see...
  3. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    The Samaritans were mostly of mixed race but we have examples like the woman at the well whom Jesus spoke with or Cornelius of whom Peter saught out after receiving the vision of God. These Samaritans were Israelites but couldnt go to the temple in Jerusalem because they could not prove their...
  4. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    I can’t understand “christians” who make comments like this🤦🏼‍♂️ its bad enough that most “christians” admittedly have never read the scripture cover to cover but these same “christians” have never studied history or read the works of the great historians of biblical times both Roman and Greek...
  5. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    It makes the distinction because Jesus had to be born into the Judean society that was under the law to fulfill all that was prophecied of His coming. Also, He came unto His own territory because it was rightfully His inheritence. He was the rightful King of Israel. The Greeks were not under...
  6. MikeIsraelite72

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    Matthew 24 is a hint that can be used to find the people whom Jesus redeemed. He talks about the gospel being taught to all the nations throughout the world as a witness and then the temple would be thrown down. Paul affirmed that this was accomplished: “For the hope which is laid up for you...
  7. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    so your “mic drop” moment hinges on Romans 9 where Paul is quoting Hosea to signal the fulfillment of divorced Israel now being reconcilled back to their God.🤦🏼‍♂️ It is in this context that i posted the sources proving that the Greeks were in fact of the stock of Abraham, Gods will is glorified...
  8. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    why does the source material of historical record cause you to respond so arrogantly? it doesnt make sense but it says alot when your not adding anything significant and by the tone of your response its as if your invalidating something that is factual for your own convenience🤦🏼‍♂️
  9. MikeIsraelite72

    “Neither Jew nor Greek”

    Neither Jew nor Greek” never was to be understood as Jew nor non-Jew and yet most believers are repeating this concept because their pastors are teaching it this way. Did you know that by the time of Jesus’ ministry it was common knowledge that the Greeks were in fact ancient Israelites? This...
  10. MikeIsraelite72

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    just to address Romans 7:3 Paul is making the statement regarding adultery in the context of Yahweh God and the children of Israel, Pauls whole ministry was to take the gospel to the Israelites that were scattered along the nations. Romans 7:3 is alluding to Yahweh divorcing the children of...
  11. MikeIsraelite72

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    when “the law” is used in the new testament by paul he is always referring to the rituals of the Levitical law, the baptising of jesus was an example of Him fulfilling the law as the high priests had to wash themselves thoroughly before entering the temple. Jesus became the last one and only...
  12. MikeIsraelite72

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    i agree that the churches of today are 95% apostate which is soo sad but what turns my stomach even more is that 95% of todays christians don’t even read Gods word, as a result christians are raised on anti biblical doctrines which are built upon cherry picked verses without any context. the...
  13. MikeIsraelite72

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    i just really hope that Trump is supporting Israel in jest for optics and votes
  14. MikeIsraelite72

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Replying to the OP…. firstly, i don’t understand how we watched the 2020 election be stolen with little to no pushback, we did receive pieces of evidence over the last 4 years from various states proving fraud yet no real investigation and here comes 2024, i just don’t understand why we have to...