Is it a sin to live your whole life alone? (socially isolated)

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Junior Member
Dec 20, 2017
Beauty is vain. Because beauty fades away. Everybody that is beautiful, doesn't remain that way, they fade, they are on borrowed time, and have wasted their existence, if they are not beautiful to God. If God does not value those type of people, why should we ? God does not value pride, He hates all workers of pride, they are antichrist to what Christ is, which is to lay your life down for your friends, which is everyone who needs you.

So we make the most of things, make ourselves strong to cope as a soldier of Christ, think in strength terms, because anyone in need who receives your help, sees you as wonderful to behold, and they only are the ones you want to admire you, others are insignificant. Some people are wise and see the whole package of a person, what they look like, what decency they display, and Jesus is the greatest example, whose looks were an example to a wicked world, that thought it was only right to receive a lamb without blemish, but now this same vain world all accepts the Lamb which had the most blemishes..

Psalm 5:5 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity .. Psalm 94:4.

Isaiah 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

Isaiah 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lordrevealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.


Junior Member
Dec 20, 2017
Leviticus 21:21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lordmade by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

Hebrews 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Hebrews 10:11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
Why are you trying to conform to the worlds standards and not God's? There is always a way.
You feel you are ugly? date a blind is the persons spirit that you commune with.
look for the inner beauty of those you meet.
Rather than dating a blind girl it would be better to date someone that accepts you as you are.


Junior Member
Dec 20, 2017
Everything has beauty in it by God, some are more than others, but all beauty fades. The only beauty that remains is holiness, because this is Gods beauty. The purpose of beauty is to show how things seem wonderful, and come to nothing. Only the things we do not see re eternal, and everyone who sets their on the wrong effections, also comes to nothing

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Psalm 29:2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

2 Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Colossians 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

2 Timothy 2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Jul 5, 2018
My friend you being ripped off. Funny weird strange I'm sure you not alone. You are just as important to God as the next. And just as loved.
Time to get over yourself and on with the mission. Isolation is not the answer, we were born with a purpose regardless of our set backs. God chooses the foolish to confound the wise.
Now the God that I serve is the God of the impossible....he makes beauty from ashes....he breathes life into dust....he raises the dead .....he humbles the proud....he give Grace to the you know him?....
Rise up in faith my friend...take hold of that thing God has promised you.
He equips the called he doesn't call the equiped. He's a chain breaker, a prison shaking God.
Now he knew you and formed you before you were in the womb and gave you purpose.
So stop saying am I ready for the world and start the holy spirit is the world ready for me (you).

God bless .....potter
indeed we are born with a purpose, my purpose seems to be social isolation.
Jul 5, 2018
what would Apostle Paul think about this in 1 Cor 7:27 - if you are single, do not seek to be married
and what do GOD say about people who BURN of desire? to get married. i burn of desire and still i can not get married. this is a problem.
Jul 5, 2018
Hey I am single, never married, no children, do not plan on it. But really love being single and happy and focusing on Christ than be miserable and being married. Marriage is not for everybody. Just like being single is not for everybody. Only follow God in what He wants or how to live your life.
i am happy for you but i am not happy being single.

being married does mean you will be treaded bad, many marriage are good and if you have a bad spouse you can always divorce and find instead a spouse who treat you good.
Jul 5, 2018
Why are you trying to conform to the worlds standards and not God's? There is always a way.
You feel you are ugly? date a blind is the persons spirit that you commune with.
look for the inner beauty of those you meet.
date a blind girl? how? i will just walk into a home-care for blind people and date someone? that would be creepy as hell.

and i dont think a blind girl would even accept me, i am lacking social skills, i dont know how to talk with people.
Jul 5, 2018
Its no sin to live your life alone, but complete isolation and remaining inactive may be a 'pride' issue? You shouldn't hide from the world, force yourself to get out and live, and try not to care what others may think or say. You wrote; "I will not end my social isolation, i will keep living like this until i die. So my question is how i deal with this sadness?" You deal with it by ending the cause, which is your determination to stay reclusive and solitary. Appearance is just one aspect of who you are. Intellect, personality, and carrying yourself with confidence are all attractive attributes.. And as far as women go, not all of them rank very high on the looks scale either.

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5: 14-16)
the problem is that god made me very unattractive, i never seen anyone as ugly as me in my town, i feel ashamed infront of other people.
Jul 5, 2018
I was thinking along these lines too.
Rather than dating a blind girl it would be better to date someone that accepts you as you are.
why would any woman accept me, i have too many flaws. i have been socially isolated half my life, that is something that will make all women scared of me.
Jul 5, 2018
Well Clarance, our looks are always skewed by our biases. Anyone that stares into a mirror long enough will dread looking any longer. Just make yourself presentable and think no more about it. Instead, build your character.

You can even start that online where you character is all they will see. Quit thinking negatively about yourself and work on those social skills. Ask God for help--He likes that.

i cant work on my social skills becuase i am natural dumb/low iq.
Jul 5, 2018
Yes. After all, how are we going to love the neighbor as Jesus love us socially isolated?
i do love people, i give money to poor people and i talk to people online and i have a family, why is this not enough?
Jul 5, 2018
Please dont take this for lack of compassion..its NOT a sin but its a waste of a life that Jesus died for!
but i have no hope to get out of the social isolation, i live like this because i have low iq and very ugly with no hope to improve any of that. yes its a waste of lie, my life is very boring.
Jul 5, 2018
No, but it is indeed sad and it would be a tragedy to live your entire life this way. You have no reason at all to be ashamed of yourself or your appearance, if people can't accept you as you are then that's their problem. About the flaws, these are only your perceived flaws but some of them probably aren't flaws at all. The remaining true flaws can only be addressed over a period of time with the grace of God and your willingness to accept change in your life. It was very sad for me to read your post and I will certainly say a prayer for you. God has big plans for you and I will pray for God to give you the strength and courage to take the first step out the door and into the world.
i have not live like this my entire life. until i was 14 i had a very good and social life, i miss those times.

but yeah since age 14 i have been socially isolated and i am 26 now....

no reason to be ashamed and my percevied flaws? i have 100 + physical flaws, i can not even go out without people starring at me, laughing at me. people have made fun of me my whole life. also i have approached 1000+ guys and females for friendship on internet and all of them declined me, nobody wants to talk with me.


Active member
Jul 11, 2018
I tried to fix my flaws, i have 100+ flaws, but nothing worked to fix my flaws.

Is it a sin to live like this?

first of all, God made you, therefore if you feel you have flaws, it is a sin towards the creation of God. the Bible is clear we ARE NOT to worry. Yeshua said, do not be concerned with your looks or what you eat, but be concerned about knowing and living for God.

and WHO CARES what others think?

Yeshua said, I suppose you believe I have come to bring peace, NAY, I have come to bring division.

we are separate from the world and its concerns.

the sooner you understand this, the quicker you will become healed!!
Jul 5, 2018
My first question is, have you been here before? Your post is almost identical to one posted by another member a few months back.

Second observation is, you say you want to be happy yet you also say you are not going to leave your unhappy place. Sorry, that's just not possible.

Is it a sin? God tells us to do for others before ourselves. Is that possible to do in isolation? God loves us as we are ... so shouldn't you find some love for yourself if God does? Or do you make God out to be a liar by claiming you are unlovable?

Lastly, the issue could be your environment. If an ugly duckling walks into a pretty-people's party yes you will feel ugly. But how about if you volunteered at something like a burn ward - they will probably think you are beautiful compared to their scars.

It's said that beauty is skin deep, while ugly goes clear to the bone. If you make what's inside of you beautiful, it will show outwardly to others who will find you beautiful as well.

Maybe you should watch "Shallow Hal".
well seems like there is quite some people who have similar problems as me, just go to a depression, anxiety forum and see for yourself.

i cant leave me unhappy place because its not possible, i have severe social anxiety, i have been going to terapy for a long time but its not curing my anxiety. and even if i cured it i would still be bullied and alone my whole life because i have too many flaws for anyone to like me. i want companionship, i am burning of desire and the bible say that people who burns of desire should get married.....i am so confused why god made me burn of desire but still gave me so many flaws that its impossible for me to get married and get friends.

yes i can still help people while living in isolation, i can be kind to people on internet, i can be kind to my family, i can give money to the poor and i can hold doors to my neiughbours etc. why is this not enough.

my environment? sure my sister calls me one of the most ugly guy she have ever seen all the time but alot of people say stuff like that to me, i will have a bad environment no matter where i go, i have been bullied my whole life by all kind of people.

my personality is already good and still nobody cares about that, because i have low iq, no social skills and i am so ugly that people just feel disgust by me.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2011
Clarance, I recommend you get to know people here on cc. There are fantastic individuals who love Jesus. Let people get to know you. Post in different threads.


No school. no job, no friends since i was 14. Never been with a women. Never talk to anyone. No internet friends. I only go out when its dark. I cant go out without hiding my body and face with a hoodie and cap.

I have therapists but its not helping.

The reason to why i am doing this is because i am 1 of 10 on the look scale and is very weird. I am too ashamed over myself to be part of the society. And people bully me all the time/make fun of me, in internet and also irl, so why should i even bother talking to people, get a job etc when i will be bullied even more? I have 0 % to be in a relationship with a women or getting a friend so its pointless for me to be part of the society.

I tried to fix my flaws, i have 100+ flaws, but nothing worked to fix my flaws.
I feel very bad, i have been depressed for 12 years. but i will not end my social isolation, i will keep living like this until i die.
So my question is how i deal with this sadness, i want to be happy with my life.

Is it a sin to live like this?
Well actually you aren't "socially isolated" you in fact are talking to us who are "apart of society" as for living "alone" it's not a sin many people in the bible "lived alone" even not having "spouses" or "lovers" .


well seems like there is quite some people who have similar problems as me, just go to a depression, anxiety forum and see for yourself.

i cant leave me unhappy place because its not possible, i have severe social anxiety, i have been going to terapy for a long time but its not curing my anxiety. and even if i cured it i would still be bullied and alone my whole life because i have too many flaws for anyone to like me. i want companionship, i am burning of desire and the bible say that people who burns of desire should get married.....i am so confused why god made me burn of desire but still gave me so many flaws that its impossible for me to get married and get friends.

yes i can still help people while living in isolation, i can be kind to people on internet, i can be kind to my family, i can give money to the poor and i can hold doors to my neiughbours etc. why is this not enough.

my environment? sure my sister calls me one of the most ugly guy she have ever seen all the time but alot of people say stuff like that to me, i will have a bad environment no matter where i go, i have been bullied my whole life by all kind of people.

my personality is already good and still nobody cares about that, because i have low iq, no social skills and i am so ugly that people just feel disgust by me.
The only flaw in you I see is that you are seeking to "gain" from the things you do, God doesn't work that way, when you can learn what it is to "give of yourself" without seeking "personal gain" you will "profit" much in wisdom and social skills.
I know the feeling being bullied and called names or told that I wasn't going to be able to do things I hoped to do or that something about me was undesirable or abnormal and I feel it's the same with you, you don't have to be "totally" apart of society to be "desirable" in some way, "being you" is apart of life and life is full of "choices".
A good example of "choices" you can make or already have made are reflected in "your desires" you said you have a "burning passion" well to follow that passion is an option many people do this and find that they "have talent" and through such a talent even find "love" as well as "friends".
Another option would be to "write down your ideas/goals" instead of just "thinking them" this could lead you to "try them out" anxiety is rough but if you "focus your thoughts" to a "single action" at a time then you can I'm sure manage to do what you would like do or accomplish.