The fig tree is the symbol of the nation of Israel. They were cut down in '70 ad.
Yes, okay, I agree.
This is why we should take care that our hearts do not become evil and unbelieving as theirs did. This is why we should examine if we ARE in the faith. This is why we should look for parallels between us and Israel and take it seriously when we find them. For example:
Collect only enough for you and your family for the not store treasure on earth.
If we disobey in the same way as they did, yet claim our disobedience is allowed while theirs was not, we have given ourselves a deal to cheat death and tipped the scales in our favor. We have put our finger on the scale between us and them to use unequal weights, which God detests. God will cancel our deal to cheat death. And we are using the Precious Blood to cover continued disobedience of faith. We be the seed of Abraham did NOT cover mistrust and unbelief. We be the seed of the Holy Spirit is our echo and it won't cover mistrust and unbelief either.
Some will see the parallels and examine themselves and wonder why He was so harsh to them for their disobedience of faith, cutting them off, while according to some preaching He lets us slide on it or only takes a certain hat from us. We lose a hat but they were cut off. They were cut off for mistrust and disobedience of trust and we just lose a hat or an unspecified reward of some sort that no one can explain what it is exactly, just some "thing."
So some will see. But others will protect this much better deal for the disobedience of trust and say we got a much better deal because of the Blood but they got a raw deal. This would make God a respecter of persons and would make Him hold double standards where our disobedience of trust is covered but theirs was not. And it would be using the Blood in an unworthy manner.
Even an unbeliever would be astute enough to see that this is not a fair deal and that we have tipped the scales in our elitist favor.
We have made some of the same mistakes as Israel. Some will see it and some will not, even though we all instinctively know unfairness when we see it. Some will do the good work of struggling it through with God and some will dismiss it. Some will see that Israel is an example for us and some won't. Some will see why He scattered the builders and confused their language because of what was being built and some will not. They will see the parallel between the Tower of Babel and now. So I write it for those who will see and be helped away from the hypocrisy and elitism.