Pre-Trib Rapture and Premillennialism are False Doctrines

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Nov 22, 2018
It is only silly to those who are silly enough to believe propaganda instead of Bible truth.

There is no question that there is a ton of propaganda, plain nonsense, and misrepresentation of Scripture posted and published by those who refuse to believe in a Pretribulation Rapture.

One could post dozens of Scriptures to establish the truth about this matter, but they would not be believed and received with thanksgiving.
I tried to prove a pretrib rapture when I was a "baptist" for the first 40 years of my life but when I realized there is no scripture to prove it I moved on to the truth that of Father's Word:

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2018
Paul to Thessalonians: "no, people, the Day of the Lord* is not present like some are trying to convince you 'IS PRESENT'. It won't be present until THE DEPARTURE *FIRST* [ONE THING *FIRST" (the noun-EVENT of v.1)] AND the man of sin be revealed [ distinct from the "ONE THING *FIRST*" thing] the "G5100 - tis - 'A CERTAIN ONE'" of the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR; 1Th5:2-3; Mt24:4/Mt13:5]" of "the BEGINNING of birth PANGS [PLURAL; Mt24:4-8/Mt13:5-8/Lk21:8-11]" that follow on from that INITIAL ONE, like birth PANGS DO]…; Don't believe those trying to convince you it is present [I know it's easy for you Thessalonians to be persuaded that it is present, due to the persecutions and tribulations you are presently and ongoingly experiencing, 2Th1:4], but believe what WE taught you INSTEAD! [ ;) ], 2Th2:15(versus v.2)"

*defined in the OT NOT as a "singular 24-hr day" (as the amillennialist-teachings have "made up" out of thin air to suit their theory, not drawn from from Scripture ;) )

[the mis-defining of terms and poor grammar of the interp of 2Th2 causes the true meaning to be obscured by many]


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2016
I studied all the major prophetic positions. Dispensational premill, historic premill, postmill, amill, full-preterism and partial preterism. The only one that fit Scripture is amillennialism.

Historic premill has the same problem as disp premill. They read Revelation 20, misunderstand it in my opinion, and then they go back and read Old Testament prophecies and say that's the millennium being talked about there. It's actually the new earth being talked about. Little child shall lead them, lion shall eat straw, etc, etc. Those are describing the new earth (and heavens).
There's no correct position, these are all man made doctrines based on wrong understanding of especially resurrection. Resurrection is spiritual and is continuous throughout the millenniums since second century. Rapture is also a continuous activity throughout the millenniums in the church era and it has nothing to do with bodies flying off this earth. The earth is our home forever and ever.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
There's no correct position, these are all man made doctrines based on wrong understanding of especially resurrection. Resurrection is spiritual and is continuous throughout the millenniums since second century. Rapture is also a continuous activity throughout the millenniums in the church era and it has nothing to do with bodies flying off this earth. The earth is our home forever and ever.
How in the world can anyone so totally misunderstand the Bible?


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2016
How in the world can anyone so totally misunderstand the Bible?
I understand why anyone would cringe and call it a 'total misunderstanding' but it is the truth, set far from these endless debate.
You will finally understand it.


Junior Member
Mar 16, 2017
This is a terrible argument

Jesus was resurrected before "heavens are no more"...... NEXT (as were the people in matthew 27)
Job 14: 12 is a perfectly valid argument. The verse is talking about mankind. That is obvious from the verse and context.

It says specifically that mankind will not rise until the heavens are no more.

You have no answer for Job 14: 12. I understand that. Scripture refutes premillennialism.


Junior Member
Mar 16, 2017
This is a terrible argument

Jesus was resurrected before "heavens are no more"...... NEXT (as were the people in matthew 27)

Another thing you might want to think about is the logical conclusions of your statement.

What you are saying is that Jesus and the people raised in Matthew 27: 52 DISPROVE what Job 14: 12 says.

So you are saying the Bible is lying and elevating your man-made doctrine of dispensationalism as truth and created an idol for yourself.

If you want to call the Bible a liar and say its contradicting itself that is up to you.

Job 14: 12 is talking about mankind in general and that the resurrection happens after "the heavens are no more".


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2016
Another thing you might want to think about is the logical conclusions of your statement.

What you are saying is that Jesus and the people raised in Matthew 27: 52 DISPROVE what Job 14: 12 says.

So you are saying the Bible is lying and elevating your man-made doctrine of dispensationalism as truth and created an idol for yourself.

If you want to call the Bible a liar and say its contradicting itself that is up to you.

Job 14: 12 is talking about mankind in general and that the resurrection happens after "the heavens are no more".
And what about this:

Isa 26:
19But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.
20Go, my people, enter your rooms
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.
21See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

The reason i say current popular doctrines about resurrection are not true, non is true, because of such verses. This verse brings more clarity of what is supposed to be our understanding of resurrection in the gospel.
The verse simply says the dead in Christ will rise and remain here on earth until the wrath is accomplished or until their blood is avenged, but they will protected in 'their rooms'. These rooms thing is the most important in that verse because it turns resurrection doctrine upside down. It simply means - The saints are resurrected and they indwell the living believers here on earth because heaven is actually the heart of a living believer.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
I studied all the major prophetic positions. Dispensational premill, historic premill, postmill, amill, full-preterism and partial preterism. The only one that fit Scripture is amillennialism.
That's not true at all! How can you read the words "a thousand" years six times in Revelation 20:1-7 and come up with an undetermined amount of time. It's shoddy exegesis at best. You better go back and restudy from scratch, except this time believe what you are reading. Stop applying symbolism where it is not required!

Historic premill has the same problem as disp premill. They read Revelation 20, misunderstand it in my opinion, and then they go back and read Old Testament prophecies and say that's the millennium being talked about there. It's actually the new earth being talked about. Little child shall lead them, lion shall eat straw, etc, etc. Those are describing the new earth (and heavens).
Once again, shoddy exegesis! How can the millennial period be referring to the new heavens and new earth as being the millennial period when death still exists during that time, opposed to it not existing during the new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem as revealed in Revelation 21:4. In further support of this, death is not thrown into the lake of fire until after the seven year tribulation and during the great white throne judgment, which follows? Below is the chronological order according to scripture:

* The Lord's appearing to gather the church

* The fulfillment of the last seven years of the seventy sevens that were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem

* Jesus return to the earth to end the age at the fulfillment of that seven years

* The beast and the false prophet thrown alive into the lake of fire

* Satan bound in the Abyss for a thousand years

* Millennial kingdom

* Great white throne judgement (after the millennial kingdom)

* Current heaven and earth pass away

* The eternal state - New heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem - (Rev.21 & 22)


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2016
The understanding about 'Lord's appearing and gathering His elect' has also been far removed. There's not going to be a time in future when people will be brought together (as in gathered) by the Lord, the gathering is now and also continuous.

Abraham died and was 'gathered to his people'
Moses died and was 'gathered to his own people'
Aaron died and was 'gathered to his own people'
Jacob died and was 'gathered to his own people'
You will die and be 'gathered to your own people', (applies to each one of the church members except the 144k faithful believers)

This is what the bible teaches. Open your eyes and ears when reading your bible, don't open your eyes and ears and listen to your pastor.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
I agree with you that all eschatological positions have some "splaining to do". They all seem to have some issues.

What I mean when I say amill fits Scripture best is that I don't see its "problem passages" as refuting it. It's unclear what those few "problem passages" are actually saying. Everything else in Scripture fits amill very nicely.
Revelation 20:1-7 kills your claim above. The words "a thousand years" is used six times. To symbolize those would be to ignore the plain literal written word.

The amill believes saints are ruling right now in heaven with Christ.
It is truly amazing that you Amils actually believe that the saints are currently ruling. You need to turn on your tv, go out to a news website, or pick up a paper "delirious," because it won't take long to realize that the saints are not ruling by any means. The fact is that God's word says that the world is going to get much, much worse. The day of the Lord is coming, which as Jesus said, will be a time of great tribulation such as the world has not seen from the beginning, until now and never to be equaled again.

Rev 3: 21, "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne." Notice Jesus talks about His sitting on the throne of His Father in the present tense. Sitting on a throne means you are ruling and reigning.
You guy's really grasp at straws don't you. The promise it to those who "overcome," i.e. prevail against, which is referring to our future state of ruling with Christ.

John 12: 31, "Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out." Amill's believe that is the binding of Satan and he was cast out/into the abyss.
The binding of Satan takes place after the Lord returns to the earth to end the age. He is cast down into the Abyss and sealed in there for the purpose of keeping him from being able to deceive the nations during that thousand years, which means that he will have no access to the surface in order to deceive the inhabitants of the earth.

This is why he said he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Satan fall like lightning from heaven, is referring to his original fall. Currently he still has access to heaven and will be cast out at the sounding of the 7th trumpet/3rd woe, which will take place in the middle of the seven years.

The word ezesan does refer to physical resurrection in other Scriptures. The question is does it mean physical resurrection in Rev 20? The amill believes it is a spiritual resurrection where they live on and rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years. Thrones are mentioned. No reign on earth or from Jerusalem is ever mentioned in Rev 20.
There is no such thing as a "spiritual resurrection" as the word "anastasis" translated "resurrection" properly means "to stand up again bodily." Jesus demonstrated this when His body was no longer in the tomb. And when he appeared before His disciples, they thought that He was a spirit and He said "Look at My hands and My feet. It is I Myself. Touch Me and see—for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” As I said, there is not such thing as a spiritual Resurrection, as it only refers to the physical body standing up again.

I'm guessing you are referring to Rev 19: 15 which says, "Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."

Notice the context of "ruling" them. Jesus treads "the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God". This is the second coming. It also says a "sharp sword goes out of His mouth that He strikes the nations with".
"And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse. "

The double-edged sword is figurative representing the word of God. All of those who will have worshiped the beast, his image and received his mark, will all be killed by that double-edged sword which proceeds from the Lord's mouth. He will speak and they will die.

What happens when Jesus returns? Go down 6 more verses to Rev 19: 21, "And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse." There is your "ruling with a rod of iron" and also the "dashing in pieces" of Psalm 2. It happens at His return. Not in a millennium.
As pointed out above, those who are killed by that double-edged sword will be the wicked who will have made it through the tribulation period alive. Israel and the great tribulation saints, who will have survived God's wrath until Jesus returns to end the age, will enter into the millennial kingdom to repopulate the earth.

Except there is plenty of reason. Psalm 50: 10, "For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills." God doesn't own the cattle on the 1,001st hill?
The above is just more shoddy exegesis! The context must first be considered in determining the meaning. That said, the mention of cattle on a thousand hills being God's, is figurative meaning that God owns all the hills and cattle. Therefore, the figurative meaning of a thousand hills in Psalm 50:10 should in no wise be applied to the meaning the literal meaning of Satan being bound for a thousand years specified in Rev.20:1-7. There is no reason to apply a figurative meaning based on the context. In further support of this, that angel called Abaddon who is currently imprisoned in the Abyss, will be released at the 5th trumpet when the Abyss is opened.

Psalm 90: 4, "For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night. Can't be both 24 hours and 3 hours. Can only be symbolic.

I can give you a ton of Scripture examples that show 1,000 used as a number for "fullness" and not literal. But premills want to take 1,000 literally in the most symbolic book in the Bible. Seems crazy to me.

As a premill you probably won't accept these interpretations and that's fine but I can give verses that prove that a 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth is impossible.
There is absolutely no reason to interpret the thousand years in Rev.20:1-7 as having the same meaning as used elsewhere in scripture.

Amillennialism and preterism, are two of the most deceiving false teachings in the world and you and others are helping Satan spread it.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2016
Resurrection is never going to be bodily (again, read your bible), proponents of such always use Jesus as the bench mark forgetting that Jesus had to resurrect bodily for the sake of the gospel and also to fulfill prophesies.

If Jesus was to resurrect only spiritually and never bodily, how was the gospel to be preached? how would people react to the news that Jesus died and resurrected when they would see his body in the tomb?

But the fact of the matter is, Jesus resurrected (spiritually) immediately after He died:

Matt 27:
50And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.

51At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and e went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

1 Cor 15:
35But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” 36How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. 38But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. 40There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. 41The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.

42So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
....50I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.

Resurrection is always a spiritual affair and it is on course even as we speak.