You are still a slave to sin if you are still doing them. JESUS Gifted us The Way to Overcome!

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Active member
Dec 14, 2021
Yes the church has been hurt badly I have seen this and it is because of teachers that we have seen the reason I want to talk about sin the correct way is to show the correct way to do it. It isn't as if I am no stranger to the damage done by these kinds of things I was nearly destroyed by it I was drenched in my own tears thinking I was surely going to hell I would attack my self for every time I would fail to meet the standard I had sucha hatred for myself such fiery hatred such shame I dared not even ask God for forgiveness I disgusted myself all because I tried to be perfect and sinless all because I listened to a teacher who preached it the anger and hatred and disgust for myself was demonic in nature it was without a doubt the worst and darkest storm in my life I nearly lost myself to it.

@Lafftur was the one who brought me out of the storm so trust me I know the damage from this sin thing yet I want to speak on it anyways, for one who has gone through such hell from it why would I want to see value in it if there wasn't value to it? I am going to take a crack at making a thread on it and I hope you check it out and see for yourself what I have to say on the matter I am tired of seeing the church damaged by all these condemning teachers and their threads and I want to make a thread talking about sin the right way I am not a teacher by any means but I will do my best.
Is this post @#11 in your testimony thread the time frame for your teacher that produced "sucha hatred for [yourself] such fiery hatred such shame?


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Is this post @#11 in your testimony thread the time frame for your teacher that produced "sucha hatred for [yourself] such fiery hatred such shame?
No that was bad but this one was so much worse much much worse it was truly demonic I have never felt such hatred before I didn't know such hatred could even exist this storm I am speaking about happened maybe a year and a half ago


Active member
Dec 14, 2021
No that was bad but this one was so much worse much much worse it was truly demonic I have never felt such hatred before I didn't know such hatred could even exist this storm I am speaking about happened maybe a year and a half ago
This demonic hatred you speak about - was that imbibed from the air - or was it imputed through another?


Yes your opinions are noted now let’s consider what scripture actually says want to ? The opinions of Sophie isn’t going to save anyone the word of God actually will . You are completely convinced sin is mans master and can’t be overcome in Christ ????? Is that correct ?

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭

faith in Christ should tell you this

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
‭‭John‬ ‭8:31-32, 34, 36‬ ‭KJV‬‬

it seems I believe that’s true he’s not saying “ none of you who serve sin will ever be free of serving sin

“What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death,

or of obedience unto righteousness?

But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.

Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭6:15-18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Paul isn’t saying “ if you continue to serve sin you’ll be saved “ he’s explaining that what Jesus said is true

You should start forgetting The idea that people in Christ are no different from those who reject him and serve sin. And start accepting the truth that sets believers free from sins control over thier lives and actions

the Bible doesn’t ever say Christians are just sinners it says they were sinners like all Men are but now they exist in Christ and his truth that sets them free from this position

“In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:25-26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

when we are convinced we’re sinners and can’t change it’s because we’re not free yet. When you can start acknowledging what The holy scripture has to say this will make sense to you
and won’t be thought of self righteousness lol

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:1-2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

as long as your offering yourself as a servant of sin ten at can never really repent you can’t present yourself as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God and you can’t ever understand his good pleasong and perfect will

it’s not impossible to repent from serving sin it is a gift chrirt gives his disciples who actually beer and believe his true words and let go of thier own ore conceived opinions.

if we think that Christ didn’t get it it’s not him that needs to change his word but we need to change our thinking

start believing you can be made free from sins dominion and power over you to make you it’s servant and you’ll find freedom through repentance
I think you would care more if someone were to conform to your image rather than to that of Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:30
But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,

see that? it is by God that I am in Christ because He made that salvation available to me. and, now in Christ, I have available to me the wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption that I could never attain on my own.

2 Corinthians 5:21
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

it is pointless to tell a person who is a believer and saved by the blood of the Lamb, that they continue in sin when that person has become the very righteousness of God Himself because of their faith in Christ. I am that person

one of the names of God is 'The Lord our Righteousness' and that is in the Old Testament Jeremiah 33:16 God has always been the righteousness of those who are His. we now have that SAME righteousness through His Son. the debt has been paid and sin can no more have dominance over us. that is one reason it is useless and in fact harmful, to continue to promote a believer as a sinner when God Himself declares them righteous

that righteousness does not change or become less or more. we are sealed with the Spirit of God which means that we are no longer our own but not belong to the King of the Universe

you seem to be questioning the ability of Christ to save us to the 'uttermost' . you seem to doubt that in Him, is all the fullness of the Father and that somehow we have to make up for it by concentrating on sin. yet, Jesus declared the work finished and has never said to this day there is more work to be done before our salvation is achieved.

He has completed the work. It is finished

we cannot be forgiven more than we already are and we cannot be condemned by any creature

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8: 38-39

I’m no teacher either just a student of the Bible as Many are God bless

I heartily agree and thank you for that confession. As this is so, even in your own estimate, do not be surprised that people are not convinced of your words as they do not have the conviction of the Holy Spirit in them


"Pilgrimshope, post: 4781032, member: 300996"]it’s strange when any one post comes up talking about repenting from sin being part of the doctrine lol then it’s an obsession with sin haha

if anyone examines this forum they will find hardly any posts talking about sin and that we need to stop serving it

that is not true. you even insert your rhetoric into threads having nothing to do with your chosen interest

if it’s even mentioned or discussed from time to time it’s like moths to a flame to try to discredit anything that will cause people to understand we can’t keep sinning

that is also not true. however, when it becomes the only thing a person wishes to talk about, people will raise their eyebrows and wonder why that is. a conversation on what happens after conversion would do a great service in informing those who are not already knowledgeable about the process. apparently, in your economy, no one ever reaches that destination as they must be soaked in sin rather than identified with Christ and baptized in water to illustrate His death, burial and resurrection and that we now have become as He is

“ your self righteous” they say as we quote clear scripture from the New Testament written to the church. “Your obsessed with sin “ they say when we discuss what the New Testament says about continuing on in sin .

well what else would one call a person who identifies everyone else as a sinner save themselves and in fact addresses a person who has evidenced their salvation in several thousand posts as sinful ?

“ your under the law “ they say as we discuss the gospel and it’s power to change us from sinners to Gods children

that is just you conflating the Hebrews Roots folks with those who understand that we are now being conformed to the image of Christ. are you confuse on that?

I knew when overcome made the op what would happen it’s not often to find a post like this here but whenever someone brings it up they become the “obsessed with sin enemy “ because they dared to speak of the truth about sin in Christ

we have had many members who are sin obsessed and believe they are called of God to prophesy that everyone needs to repent or go to hell. you exaggerate and make false claims


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2019

in Christ God sees us as sinless...righteous, meaning we are in right standing with God

in the flesh, we will still sin sometimes

do you have scripture that states otherwise? why did Christ have to die if we can become sinless as we imagine that to be

again...perhaps you would like to address the following I already asked cannot expect others to simply follow your lead and your quips. that, is not a discussion


are you yet holy? sinless? shining with the glory of God like Moses? you never sin?

how can we come before God if we are not these things ?
Hi :) was just talking to my wife about this..sin and what God sees. Real short.. when all I saw was my sin and my heart convicting me 24/7.. you know of sin. God asked me what was righteousness and then ask how do I get righteousness. I said by believing in Jesus.. it what I heard yet at that moment I had to go look it up to make sure its written.. it is. Like Christ said.. stop sinning OR something worse can happen. In this world sin equals death. Christ said about the sweet holy Spirit He convicts the world of sin.. that sin is they world does not know Him. Like Paul said to Jewish people that were saved and tried to go back and offer a sacrifice for that sin "there is no more sacrifice for that sin. Can Christ die again?" doing that they put Christ to open shame.

I am free from sin.. this body LOVES to sin the new man does not sin.. yet in that in this world all I see is ME..its not demonic , satan didnt make me do it.. I know no one unless I allow them.. no one controls me. Even before Christ died He told one..Go and sin no more. HAHA I can almost hear God lowering His head.. hand hits his forehead. Me again looking at the sin Christ already died for.. sin I do not want to do..yet seems at times I do yet He sees me 100% righteous holy pure...seated in heavenly places.. OH PRAISE GOD GLORY TO JESUS! This is not OSAS nor I can lose my salvation. Thoughts I do not have.

You know SophieT.. every time. now when I stop and think what Christ did took to the Cross.. HE died.. I died..HE rose I rose.. I cry ever time... I SO want to know this love.. that compassion..
Aug 3, 2019
Seeing that you do not know a vast majority of OSAS that is just an opinion you can not prove.
I do not know a single OSAS person that believe such nonsence.
It's called "sampling" and pollsters use it all the time.

OSAS adherents claim to have a corner on the market on love for Jesus, but quote them 1 John 2:3-4 KJV, 1 John 3:7 KJV, Luke 6:46 KJV, Matthew 18:21-35 KJV, Matthew 24:12-13 KJV, or any number of other texts that disprove OSAS and they sprout horns, fangs, and claws.
Aug 3, 2019
sounds like quite the process

actually, no

blasphemy against the Spirit of God occurs when His acts are attributed to the devil

aka Jesus lays it out straight for the Scribes...Mark 3

28 “Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”—

and what engendered this response from Jesus?

30 for they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”

no one has to grow into that sin, or attend a semester. you can do it real quick like the Scribes et al

here it is all in one revealing chunk:
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

22 And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.” 23 And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? 24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. 26 And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. 27 But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.

28“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 for they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”
Mark 3 comes the excuses and invalid opinions.....
Let's be clear: the passage does not explicitly limit the definition of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to "attributing divine power to demonic agency" - that's a popular but erroneous implied conclusion, which people everywhere swallow hook, line, and sinker.

False attribution is merely the symptom -- the disease is "an attitude of persistent unbelief" which was pandemic among the Jews, for a surety.

People are actually expected to believe this ridiculous idea that a sinner who at some point in his life stubbornly attributed divine power to demonic agencies - but later came to Jesus in repentance seeking forgiveness - is beyond His hand of mercy, even though He promised that any who come to Him, He "will in no wise cast out".

People who constantly resist the Holy Spirit in unbelief will eventually burn out their conscience, quench the Spirit, and forever be lost, guilty of "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit".
Aug 3, 2019

sooner or later a sin guide or two will pull this one as though we had all been discussing OSAS from the get go when no one made mention of it at all

so predictive

please do not hang out your 'local prophet for hire' just yet.
Hey, if OSAS is so Biblical, it should be fairly easy for you to deconstruct my argument, right or wrong? Here, I'll get the ball rolling:

The "many" of Matthew 24:12-13 KJV who are going to be lost are actually saints because "agape" is what turns cold in them, and the wicked can't partake of "agape" because it's demonstrated by keeping God's commandments (1 John 5:3 KJV) which the wicked can't keep even if they wanted to (Romans 8:7 KJV). Their cold "agape" makes these saints more spit-worthy than the lukewarm Laodiceans who will be lost.

All yours.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
This demonic hatred you speak about - was that imbibed from the air - or was it imputed through another?
It was from within myself, you know how the enemy can influence us? it was like that but because I was under spiritual attack the influence was much stronger, oddly enough the spiritual attack didn't start until I began talking to a user who used to go here he was a firm believer in the sinless perfection doctrine but once I started talking to him the attacks started and got more intense when I tried to follow his doctrine like he wanted me to.

The attacks at first came in small doses just a bit of aggrivation at my failings but the more I failed to live up to perfection the more I began to resent myself to the point I truly hated myself I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror I was so disgusted with myself then things began moving in my room a cross got thrown on my head I had night terrors I had dreams of cutting myself and laughing at my pain thinking I desrved it.

Truly this doctrine almost destroyed me I din't know why for me in particular it happened this way but it did I missed just being his child just loving him and being in love with him how simple and how beautiful it used to be with him if I hadn't been rescued from that pit of despair I fear what I might have done
Aug 3, 2019
There are many osas believers here in cc in the war that went on here in cc between those who were for it and those who were against it one side made the claim you are making and those who who for it were saying the exact same thing I am saying this basis that people use it to do as they please is an empty one what evidence do you have to stand on? Can name anyone in cc who believes this? Can you apart from some preacher on t.v. name one osas believer who uses it as a excuse to sin? if you have no evidence to make such a claim then you are just stating your own opinion not a fact
Of course, no one is going to say, "I'm a proud God-robbing, porn watching, tax-cheating OSAS Christian!"

They don't wave the License around in public -- they shove it in Jesus' face whenever the Holy Spirit convicts them of habitual, presumptuous sin .... and the danger is each time that happens, the wall of separation between them and God gets a another brick laid until one day they're on one side and God's on the other...permanently.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
It's called "sampling" and pollsters use it all the time.

OSAS adherents claim to have a corner on the market on love for Jesus, but quote them 1 John 2:3-4 KJV, 1 John 3:7 KJV, Luke 6:46 KJV, Matthew 18:21-35 KJV, Matthew 24:12-13 KJV, or any number of other texts that disprove OSAS and they sprout horns, fangs, and claws.
And yet for those of us who are osas who do not use it as a license to sin we are grouped together for the people who do. As far as whether osas is true or not whether one can lose their salvation or not honestly to me it isn't hard to understand we were purchased by God with his sons death we are not our own our salvation was not by our own doing we are slaves to Christs the deed of our souls are not in our hands but in his.

Unless of course you think different, otherwise can a one who is purchased make a claim for themselves? can a slave be their own master? do you think we can just snatch the deed from God's hands? So tell me did he purchase us with his sons death or not? are we slaves to Christ like Paul or not? does he own the deed to our souls or not? are we our own or not and was our salvation our own doing or not? and if you agree to even one of these things then by all means explain how one can somehow lose what isn't theirs to lose.


Hi :) was just talking to my wife about this..sin and what God sees. Real short.. when all I saw was my sin and my heart convicting me 24/7.. you know of sin. God asked me what was righteousness and then ask how do I get righteousness. I said by believing in Jesus.. it what I heard yet at that moment I had to go look it up to make sure its written.. it is. Like Christ said.. stop sinning OR something worse can happen. In this world sin equals death. Christ said about the sweet holy Spirit He convicts the world of sin.. that sin is they world does not know Him. Like Paul said to Jewish people that were saved and tried to go back and offer a sacrifice for that sin "there is no more sacrifice for that sin. Can Christ die again?" doing that they put Christ to open shame.

I am free from sin.. this body LOVES to sin the new man does not sin.. yet in that in this world all I see is ME..its not demonic , satan didnt make me do it.. I know no one unless I allow them.. no one controls me. Even before Christ died He told one..Go and sin no more. HAHA I can almost hear God lowering His head.. hand hits his forehead. Me again looking at the sin Christ already died for.. sin I do not want to do..yet seems at times I do yet He sees me 100% righteous holy pure...seated in heavenly places.. OH PRAISE GOD GLORY TO JESUS! This is not OSAS nor I can lose my salvation. Thoughts I do not have.

You know SophieT.. every time. now when I stop and think what Christ did took to the Cross.. HE died.. I died..HE rose I rose.. I cry ever time... I SO want to know this love.. that compassion..
this is the truth

reminds me of the disciples on the road to Emmaus when they had been speaking with Jesus after the resurrection, only they did not know it was Him Luke 24)

condensing to the last part of the story: 30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”

I find it's like that...when you meet up with and speak with believers who have grasped the truth and know the truth of our freedom in Christ, there is a spark that is the Holy Spirit witnessing with our spirits of the truth

Amen! :giggle:

yet the disciples were kept from knowing it was Jesus with them until He broke bread. and then He disappeared from their sight


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Of course, no one is going to say, "I'm a proud God-robbing, porn watching, tax-cheating OSAS Christian!"

They don't wave the License around in public -- they shove it in Jesus' face whenever the Holy Spirit convicts them of habitual, presumptuous sin .... and the danger is each time that happens, the wall of separation between them and God gets a another brick laid until one day they're on one side and God's on the other...permanently.
Don't speak as if you know their hearts, you make the presumption that they use the license to sin when for all you know you may very well be wrong but your so stuck in your way of thinking with no evidence at all to support it either.

Tell me what makes you so certain of your stance what amkes you so sure about this?


Don't speak as if you know their hearts, you make the presumption that they use the license to sin when for all you know you may very well be wrong but your so stuck in your way of thinking with no evidence at all to support it either.

Tell me what makes you so certain of your stance what amkes you so sure about this?
remember, you are a new creation in Christ and no one and nothing can remove you from God, you are His child

I don't think some of these folks actually want to know anything about others except to indoctrinate them in unbiblical nonsense

they are basically trolling at this point IMO

why don't you sign off and just trust Jesus and get a good night's sleep

God bless you Blain
May 22, 2020
Welcome to the forum. I hope your affection doesn't run to too much encouragement. I think that as a Calvinist I would more than likely find it fluffy. :D

Curious...why do you consider yourself a calvinist?....and for what purpose?


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2017
Yes the church has been hurt badly I have seen this and it is because of teachers that we have seen the reason I want to talk about sin the correct way is to show the correct way to do it. It isn't as if I am no stranger to the damage done by these kinds of things I was nearly destroyed by it I was drenched in my own tears thinking I was surely going to hell I would attack my self for every time I would fail to meet the standard I had sucha hatred for myself such fiery hatred such shame I dared not even ask God for forgiveness I disgusted myself all because I tried to be perfect and sinless all because I listened to a teacher who preached it the anger and hatred and disgust for myself was demonic in nature it was without a doubt the worst and darkest storm in my life I nearly lost myself to it.

@Lafftur was the one who brought me out of the storm so trust me I know the damage from this sin thing yet I want to speak on it anyways, for one who has gone through such hell from it why would I want to see value in it if there wasn't value to it? I am going to take a crack at making a thread on it and I hope you check it out and see for yourself what I have to say on the matter I am tired of seeing the church damaged by all these condemning teachers and their threads and I want to make a thread talking about sin the right way I am not a teacher by any means but I will do my best.
This is how I see sin….

Sin cannot take a true believer in Christ captive. Christ has delivered us from the “power” of sin to rule over us.

If we choose to sin, we have walked into a prison cell, into bondage where we think, say and do things that hurt God, hurt others and hurt ourselves.

The prison cell door is shut but NEVER LOCKED. We can repent, receive forgiveness and walk out of sin’s prison cell whenever we want to. The enemy lies and tells us we’ll NEVER be free from that sin but the devil is a liar - the prison cell door is NEVER LOCKED!

Know this, while in sin’s prison cell we cause damage to all our relationships. When we walk out, we will need to seek to reconcile, heal and restore our relationships - with God, others and ourselves.

But, know this….Know The Truth! Jesus Christ has set us FREE! Jesus Christ has given us power and authority over sin!

We can choose NOT to walk into sin’s prison cell. We can choose NOT to hurt God, others or ourselves because we love God, others and ourselves!

May each of us in the Body of Christ walk in wisdom and love and obedience to God’s Will so that God’s Joy and our joy will be FULL and OVERFLOW, amen! :love:(y)


Active member
Dec 14, 2021
Hey, if OSAS is so Biblical, it should be fairly easy for you to deconstruct my argument, right or wrong? Here, I'll get the ball rolling:

The "many" of Matthew 24:12-13 KJV who are going to be lost are actually saints because "agape" is what turns cold in them, and the wicked can't partake of "agape" because it's demonstrated by keeping God's commandments (1 John 5:3 KJV) which the wicked can't keep even if they wanted to (Romans 8:7 KJV). Their cold "agape" makes these saints more spit-worthy than the lukewarm Laodiceans who will be lost.

All yours.
I have asked you, brother, twice if you are viewing sin from a tower - as a watchman - or from the gate - as a prophet.

Now I am asking a third time, brother.

You have essentially said you are seeing sin in the life of believers from the Scripture. You dare not make a claim to being either a watchman or a prophet - rather you set your meaning into the sense of the prophetic word of God being taught and administered in the Spirit.

Of course, no one is going to say, "I'm a proud God-robbing, porn watching, tax-cheating OSAS Christian!"

They don't wave the License around in public -- they shove it in Jesus' face whenever the Holy Spirit convicts them of habitual, presumptuous sin .... and the danger is each time that happens, the wall of separation between them and God gets a another brick laid until one day they're on one side and God's on the other...permanently.
You make a doctrine of increasing apostasy - a growing cold by continuous habitual sin in the face of the conviction of the Holy Spirit and lay down this claim (doctrine) to a believer walling themselves up until their conscience is seared - their faith shipwrecked - and their eventual eternal separation from God. All being presumptuous sin in face of the flesh waring against the Holy Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh in order that believers may not do that which we would do naturally in the flesh - and so do presumptuously.

This doctrine or teaching you qualify without a name - so you give it a name and call it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit - or its equivalent meaning - seeing as those to whom this blasphemy was first cited were some men of the pharisees who were jealous (as Pilate even knew when his motive for desiring to release Jesus as King of the Jews - back to Israel - knew - yet Jesus called it a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit before hand.

You say that this presumptuous sin is to grow cold and then you cite the book of Revelation and warn that this presumptuous sinning is akin to the believers in the Laodicean church who became luke warm. So by direction the more stark they that grow cold. The graver the warning and the more fearful the outcome. You say all this in the name of Christ - and refuse compassion - preferring a stern warning which I ask do you shout from the tower or speak prophetically in the gate?


Active member
Dec 14, 2021
It was from within myself, you know how the enemy can influence us? it was like that but because I was under spiritual attack the influence was much stronger, oddly enough the spiritual attack didn't start until I began talking to a user who used to go here he was a firm believer in the sinless perfection doctrine but once I started talking to him the attacks started and got more intense when I tried to follow his doctrine like he wanted me to.

The attacks at first came in small doses just a bit of aggrivation at my failings but the more I failed to live up to perfection the more I began to resent myself to the point I truly hated myself I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror I was so disgusted with myself then things began moving in my room a cross got thrown on my head I had night terrors I had dreams of cutting myself and laughing at my pain thinking I desrved it.

Truly this doctrine almost destroyed me I din't know why for me in particular it happened this way but it did I missed just being his child just loving him and being in love with him how simple and how beautiful it used to be with him if I hadn't been rescued from that pit of despair I fear what I might have done
Thank you.