snake!! I hate snake!!
The reason is....
Few years ago, i tried to go 2nd floor in my house.. i didnt turn on the lamp yet but at the top of stair i saw something like spoon and sound like "sssshhh shhh" then i run away and scream.. i know what it is.. cobra.. it almost kiss me on my face! my dad and bro try to look for it but they couldn't found it.. they think i saw wild cat who come to eat (we usually put a plate of cat food so the wild/stray cat can come and eat).. but i'm sure its not a wild cat even its dark and i cant see well.. besides, all of my cats was quiet at that time and they are in aware mode (i know that because they're my cats)
The next day when i'm on 2nd floor i saw it clearly with my eyes.. its black! and move quickly and hide behind some stuff.. i cant move my leg and scream so badly.. then my dad and bro coming and they start hunting that snake.. yep it was a cobra.. and i took a pic of it after hunting done..
I got bad experience with snake.. hufttt.. its scary.. -_-