Another thing which is making this hard to navigate is that this person is completely willing to let me pursue my faith. Like, they aren’t trying to pull me away from it or anything. the case of being unequally yoked I suppose most have the image of two oxen moving in opposite directions.
In this case, one ox sitting down might not pull you "away" like that but be exhausting. How that would not distract you from pursuit of the Lord I have no idea. When you feel oppressed and downtrodden by the enemy, how would you get any comfort from someone that doesn't believe? How would you share each others spiritual burdens? Even a beautiful praise report? A non-believer would be on a totally different vibe. There might be times you resonate together in the flesh but spiritually you wouldn't be able to connect on the deep level that exists in the Lord together with another believer.
I'm not saying it is impossible to learn another's language but it is like using a tool for something it wasn't designed for. It is quite difficult and unsustainable long term I've found.
Anytime (looking back) that I've entertained and been pursued by a non-believer it's been motivated in my flesh. No I don't mean just physically, but it's like a dark spirituality also (difficult to explain)...they didn't go anywhere because I wanted something they were unwilling to give before proceeding but I definitely spent a lot of time doing some "new agey" logic convincing myself that it could work that way. Regardless, the Lord blocked me.
Which, I am grateful for but still...when I have to do "that" much convincing that scripture doesn't apply or doesn't have to and yet I am sincerely following the Lord, he "moves me" though sometimes we have to take steps.
It'd be like a huge block of my life that I couldn't share that I see little point in such a thing. It hurts, especially when there is "seemingly" an open door but I've decided these are illusions.