
Doug Batchelor - The Final Events of Bible Prophecy

Watch Bible prophecy come to life as this amazing 43-minute documentary unfolds the dramatic events of tomorrow. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug ...
Doug Batchelor is a Seventh Day Adventist. Proceed with caution. SDAs follow the teachngs of the "modern day" prophetess Ellen G. White.

They believe, in essence, that they are the "true church". At some point in the future, they think the Roman Catholic church will establish a Sunday law requiring all to observe Sunday at the pain of death. Failing to keep Saturday places one under the Mark of the Beast.

So, keeping the Sabbath places the person under the seal of God, and being a Sunday-keeper places them under the Mark of the Beast.

Supposedly real Christians (Sabbathkeepers) will be hunted down by Sunday-keepers after this point.

The really bizarre thing is that the SDA church performs elective abortions in their health care facilities (murder), while being very firm that breaking the Saturday Sabbath is a sin.
Doug Batchelor is a Seventh Day Adventist. Proceed with caution. SDAs follow the teachngs of the "modern day" prophetess Ellen G. White.

They believe, in essence, that they are the "true church". At some point in the future, they think the Roman Catholic church will establish a Sunday law requiring all to observe Sunday at the pain of death. Failing to keep Saturday places one under the Mark of the Beast.

So, keeping the Sabbath places the person under the seal of God, and being a Sunday-keeper places them under the Mark of the Beast.

Supposedly real Christians (Sabbathkeepers) will be hunted down by Sunday-keepers after this point.

The really bizarre thing is that the SDA church performs elective abortions in their health care facilities (murder), while being very firm that breaking the Saturday Sabbath is a sin.
Thank you brother for attention. I will be careful with them. However I am taking from all churches only good things, I like to worship Saturday, but in all churches is something good and something bad, no church can say we are without mistake.
God bless you brother and thank you one more time, I didn't know they are agree with abortions.

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