
Something to think about :)

When I saw this little seashell on the beach, I was struck with how it reminds me of us... In comparison to the vastness of the ocean, it seems so small and insignificant- like we feel sometimes. We may feel like we're at the mercy of the tide- tossed about in the storms of life. Or that the waves of life crashing us against the shore have chipped away at us and made us think we've lost our value as God's creation. But like a vigilant beachcomber, He stoops down, lovingly scoops us up, removes the impurities, and makes us whole again. There is no better place than being held in our Father's hands... And He treasures us!

"You are God's chosen people... His special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light!" (1 Peter 2:9)
Love the photo, Natasha - and the thought!
Does living on the coast affect your gardening?
Love the photo, Natasha - and the thought!
Does living on the coast affect your gardening?
Glad you liked it- hope it could encourage you!

Yes, there are certain considerations unique to coastal gardening. Heat, alkaline soil, and hurricanes, of course, are issues. But I imagine each area has its own pros and cons... What special considerations do you have there?
Glad you liked it- hope it could encourage you!

Yes, there are certain considerations unique to coastal gardening. Heat, alkaline soil, and hurricanes, of course, are issues. But I imagine each area has its own pros and cons... What special considerations do you have there?
It did, yes, thank you!

We're in Melbourne, on the urban fringe, and have quite heavy clay soil to contend with. But that's okay, all the more reason to add organic matter!

Because we're situated where we are, the harlequin bug, a bug not dissimilar to your stink bug, I think, has become a real problem. I have to adapt what I grow to suit them - or not to, as the case may be. It's pointless growing anything they attack, e.g., tomatoes. There is a natural remedy: a detergent solution. But it's a contact 'insecticide', so each bug needs to be squirted, and that's never possible.

Another reason to look forward to the new heavens and the new earth!

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