Recent content by AbideinVine

  1. AbideinVine

    God Uses Everyday Situations?

    Your lovely story, IDEAtor, reminds me of the verse "the Lord directs his steps" ...
  2. AbideinVine

    God Uses Everyday Situations?

    I'm wondering in your life, how God uses everyday situations. Here is one of mine. So today the Lord gave me strength to finally get to Target to bring my recycling. While shoving the plastic sacks into the bin, I felt my ring come off my hand and into the bin with all those sacks! Nearby is a...
  3. AbideinVine

    When God is Silent

    When God is Silent Most Christians have periods of intense fellowship with the Lord punctuated by periods of relative (or complete) silence. While the periods of fellowship can be sweet, the silent times can be bitter for many. That is not what God wants, but it is often our reaction to a...
  4. AbideinVine

    Bitter Spirit?

    Recently, my concern and prayer for those who are bitter in spirit has increased. The Lord continues to put these people in my path, so I'd like to take a few moments to speak to it. Naomi was bitter in spirit because life had been hard. Her husband and two sons had died (think: family...
  5. AbideinVine


    Hi Jimmy, Blessings to you! So... here's the wonderful news! I encourage you, with the Holy Spirit, to ask the Lord what the cause of this is. James 1 says we can ask the Lord for wisdom - and He will give it, if we ask in faith, nothing wavering (no doubting!). I have done this with...
  6. AbideinVine

    Care of Our Feet

    Beautifully put, Spurgeon! I so appreciate Spurgeon's writings and depth. Have for many years. However, I don't agree that 'there is a Protestantism worth contending for.' I would agree that the "faith once delivered to the saints" IS worth contending for, however! And certainly I don't...
  7. AbideinVine

    Really scared, need prayer and Christian advice, dealing with addiciton

    Jessikate, Welcome to CC. I would strongly encourage you read Ugly's post again, and perhaps again. It's hard to accept that something is unsafe, when you so want it to be okay. I know about that. As far as provision for you and your baby, God will walk you through, day by day, provision...
  8. AbideinVine

    lonely place for my fiance

    Happy Face, Blessings to you, with peace! You are doing the exact right thing, to call out to God Most High, who is Healer, Provider, Comfort! I pray that this year as He works in answer to your prayers, that you will see Him in His glorious Presence and power as never before. Our...