Recent content by Cyberm

  1. Cyberm

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?
  2. Cyberm

    Secular Music

    You should play what you want to play : ) I don’t think playing classical pieces is bad.
  3. Cyberm

    Enough Talk…Let God’s Holy Spirit Operate

    How do I receive him into me. How do I get the nine gifts he gives. How do I listen to him. I don’t have the Holy Spirit and I haven’t been baptized by the Holy Spirit. Any advice?
  4. Cyberm

    My Favorite Verse from the Quran (so far)

    I will probably have soooooo, soooo many favorite gorgeous verses from the Quran because it’s just… just such a beautiful book. I mean, the violence just somehow makes me go, “Islam, the religion of peace”, when I read it. But so far I gotta say, this is my favorite verse. -Quran 2:79 “So woe...
  5. Cyberm


    Putting your faith in Jesus is what matters the most.
  6. Cyberm


    I know the meaning of that verse but it’s hard to explain.
  7. Cyberm

    I Don't Like Men

    to be Honest, I see where you are coming from. and at least you want to change how you view men. I just don’t like the double standard here. My advice to you is that you should look at every person as an individual, and not as a whole. The actions of the men who have wronged you do not display...
  8. Cyberm

    Money is Satan

    In what way does the lord provide for you to the point where you don’t need to work? Curious
  9. Cyberm

    Lauren Daigle Fans?

    I personally don’t listen to her music
  10. Cyberm

    How can I chat on an apple mac?

    I don’t think you can but you can look up the site and chat from there
  11. Cyberm

    Explain your avatar and/or user name!

    My avatar is Rick from “Rick and Morty”, real funny show, and my name is randomly generated. I use it for pretty much everything.
  12. Cyberm

    Enoch and other “lost books” of the Bible

    I did not quote the whole website, just the parts I deem important and some of the verses that say the earth is flat. It doesn’t flat out say “oh look here I saw a flat earth with ice walls surrounding it”. But it describes the earth as a flat plane like surface. I just think we should take this...
  13. Cyberm

    The Problem of evil

    I’m still not convinced people who don’t believe in God because of evil act out entirely out of Well, how would you phrase it then. I do not want to put words in your mouth and speak for you. That is the last thing I want sorry if you feel I have done that, that is on me.
  14. Cyberm

    Enoch and other “lost books” of the Bible

    Sources: And… The Book of Enoch I think before reading this you should just read the article and scroll through it really quick. Read the headlines, the verses, what the site has to say about them, etc. “The Book of...