Recent content by JasonNosneh

  1. JasonNosneh

    Is God punishing me

    No God is not punishing you and just working in his wisdom and time. Abraham waited 15 years for a son and then God reiterated his promise, but then Abraham had to wait an additional 10 years before it all came to pass. He even tried to take things into his own hands by having a child through...
  2. JasonNosneh

    Growth Increases Faith While Being Stuck is Dead Faith

    In life we should always be growing and pushing ourselves to the next level spiritually, physically, mentally, in every way. That is why I believe that there are only two states of being – either growing or being stuck. Growth is when we are improving in some aspect of our lives whether it is...
  3. JasonNosneh

    God first

    A life without God first serves no purpose and is void of any true meaning; this life is just temporary and pointless if we do not seek out His will for our life. In every aspect of our being, let us make God the focal point and the absolute authority over our thought life and actions every...
  4. JasonNosneh

    Fall forward

    In life we are always going to make mistakes and fall short; however, what is important is how we handle the fall when it comes – we can choose to fall forward or we can allow ourselves to fall backwards. So, how do we fall forward? I would say it is when we are able to quickly put forth...
  5. JasonNosneh

    Please, pray for me

    None of us are seeking God how we should -- it is all about just pushing ourselves to do better everyday. Some days we will stumble and others we will excel. I find that listening to a good audio bible while reading to be very helpful. It can make it much more interesting experience and you get...